As I recall Pulp Fiction predates Stranger Things, and the little boy looks like the big girl. Can we ask Harvey Swinestien he probably “knows” all involved?
Who Are these people? Never heard of them, so I guess I never missed anything.
LGBT mode activate
3 different ppl
Hah! I meant 4! 4 different ppl. Now I seem stupid.
You’er corrected reply was kind of cheesy. Ya had to milk that one down, huh?
As I recall Pulp Fiction predates Stranger Things, and the little boy looks like the big girl. Can we ask Harvey Swinestien he probably “knows” all involved?
Who Are these people? Never heard of them, so I guess I never missed anything.
LGBT mode activate
3 different ppl
Hah! I meant 4! 4 different ppl. Now I seem stupid.
You’er corrected reply was kind of cheesy. Ya had to milk that one down, huh?
You did not recognize Bruce Syphilis ?
Same here