Starbucks Meme: Starbucks Experience In a Nutshell

You know you’re a regular at Starbucks when you start answering to names like “Peter” instead of your actual name… but even then they somehow manage to get it wrong.

Your name please? Stephen with a ph. Enjoy your coffee, Phteven.

16 thoughts on “Starbucks Meme: Starbucks Experience In a Nutshell”

  1. You may laugh all you want but she has a degree in gender studies with emphasize in pre imperialist Australian koala habitats.

  2. Conservative ‘merican education. Keep them dumb to rule over the peasants.

  3. At least she is polite. Dumb as an acorn, but polite.

  4. Ummm Yeah akshully, she can also use proper English and spell correctly.

  5. You go gurl! Just tell’em all to frak off!

  6. @Ivan the Deplorable: If that’s all she is capable of, then holding a pen incorrectly in a local coffee shop is a major achievement.

  7. You guys are so transphobic. Leave the poor guy alone.

  8. Hey give her credit, this was pretty darn impressive for a modern feminist! I mean, she figured out she could use the pen for something else other then writing 3 to 4 word slogans on a picket sign! “Make America great again” oops wrong one ” lock her up” oh wait nope got it wrong again, “my body my choice” there we go, that’s the one! Sorry about that, after a while they all start to look the same!

  9. So, she’s basicly more intelligent and focused than you. Win for the feminists.

  10. It’s weird how Americans hold their pens. No matter if right or left handed.

  11. I once heard a guy say: „Stephen with a PhD“ to show off his academic achievements.
    His cup said Phdeven 😂

  12. EUro so stupid: ‘mericans don’t hold their pens that way…

  13. The lass is holding a sharpie. According to instructions on the package
    she is holding it correctly.

  14. Who reads instructions?

  15. he/she/him/it/them/this/that/what/yes/iknow/foff

  16. Cornyfusus say man who lickety split get hair in teeth.

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