Yes, We’re Made of Stardust

Just imagine, you and me, we are made of stardust. Isn’t it amazing? Yeah, we are made of stardust, but so is garbage, so calm down.

14 thoughts on “Yes, We’re Made of Stardust”

  1. garbage: You’ll own nothing and be happy and bugs are a nutritious center piece of any meal.

  2. This is funny picture board. I know you probably don’t have a sense of humour, but kindly stop brigading this board with your misinformed prejudices and anxieties. Also, get a gf.

  3. Just like Traditional Korean Cooking. 추가 구더기 주세요

  4. Rheee! Rheee! :laugh:

  5. Yes you are correct Anon#2. We must embrace insects in out food for our underclasses. It is the only way to save the planet.

  6. For once I agree with our Kraut friend. By suppling our less fortunate
    neighbours with all the insects, we can save proper protein for the
    people who deserve a nice roast of beef weekly.

  7. Your joking about something that is happening in real time. Cognitive dissidence is real and on display as usual.

  8. ya must be joking right, bro ? please tell me ya are 😊 iiT’ obvous, to me at lteast, that yer confusing COGNITIVE DISSONANCE with something not even related to it sooo I am guessing ,here but this is) prolly a) spelling mistake b)just some ignorant Copy-paste job but hey like mr g. Orwell wrote in his master piece 1984 IGNORANCE IS Bliss AND THATS THE GAWDdarn TRUTH RIGHT 😎

  9. Trump could feed a family of four for several months. Eat the rich.

  10. Everything is made of poop. Not stardust.

  11. Barely literate.

  12. And what do you think poop is made of? Amateur.

  13. Germans have more humour than conservative Americans. True story.

  14. Poop is made of Trump.

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