Give Them Bread And Circuses

13 thoughts on “Give Them Bread And Circuses”

  1. 100% spot on!

  2. Apparently whoever pieced together this meme together has never been to Vancouver after a hockey game, Boston after a baseball game, London after a football match…

  3. Uproar against the referee/opposition’s supporters/noninvolved bystander is part of the circus, but not a revolt against the rich and mighty who leave the masses with bread and circusses.

  4. They may not be revolting against their imperial overlords, but they are revolting nonetheless. Apparently against parked cars and coffee shops.

  5. …until are eating and watching

  6. They revolted all the time, it was kind of a problem.

  7. I don’t call that a revolt, but vandalism. Usually caused by young men who can’t get any women.

  8. Give them a Volksempfanger and fake Volksfeind… and they will never revolt…
    Uhm… I mean: Give them Fox News and a fake enemy image… and they will never revolt.

  9. You mean, give them welfare and tell non democrats are racists?

  10. Welfare is for Volksschadlinge. And the democrats should be banned. We can govern the USA by ourselves. Real Americans for America. Nobody needs those leftists.

  11. You do a REALLY BAD satire of what you imagine the Right to be.
    You’d be better off starting with something simpler…
    …like knuckledragging, mouthbreathing Leftists.

  12. Wait, we’re supposed to be getting free bread?!

  13. Go easy

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