Meanwhile In Chernobyl: Instagram Influencers Flocking To The Site of The Nuclear Disaster

Thanks to the popularity of Chernobyl TV series, Instagram influencers are now risking getting cancer and disrespecting the victims of Chernobyl nuclear disaster in order to attract more followers. We truly live in a strange time…

Instagram influencer in Chernobyl.

Instagram influencer in Chernobyl.

Instagram influencer in Chernobyl.

Instagram influencer in Chernobyl.

Instagram influencer in Chernobyl.

Instagram influencers in Chernobyl.

Instagram influencer in Chernobyl.

Instagram influencer in Chernobyl.

Instagram influencer in Chernobyl.

Instagram influencer in Chernobyl.

Instagram influencer in Chernobyl.

Instagram influencer in Chernobyl.

Instagram influencer in Chernobyl.

Instagram influencer in Chernobyl.

Instagram influencer in Chernobyl.

Instagram influencer in Chernobyl.

Instagram influencer in Chernobyl.

Instagram influencer in Chernobyl.

Instagram influencer in Chernobyl.

Instagram influencer in Chernobyl.

38 thoughts on “Meanwhile In Chernobyl: Instagram Influencers Flocking To The Site of The Nuclear Disaster”

  1. Perhaps they should take a long hard look at the molten core from close up to have some perspective.

  2. “…disrespecting the victims…”


  3. In ten years they willall start growing a third tit…

  4. only if they lick it will they understand

  5. Yeah. Go right for the vegetation areas and dust traps. Puhahahaha.

  6. The author of the series criticizes those people running around there in underwear for sexy pictures because a great bunch of people died a horrible death there and afterwards.
    You may be too young to understand this.

  7. They just stupid and that’s it.

  8. Cool can we wall them up inside the dome

  9. you do realise thousands of people died,don’t you?…some straight away,and still happening!…and wearing the “safety suits” as fashion statements!…grotesque!

  10. Two in front and 1 in back. Strange to look at but great for dancing.

    Some comedian from ages ago

  11. Sample the vegetation. Maybe they can get Putin to taste.

  12. Russians are Morons

  13. Russians are Mexicans

  14. This is what you get, when the national sport is alcoholism.

  15. Youtube blogger “Biggs” has a video of the top 10 reasons not to move to Las Vegas. One of them was “next to a 50’s nuclear test site”.

  16. Looks nicer than London

  17. Russians are drunk

  18. You see the picture of Seregastrange? In the back you can see the sarcophagus, this is a metal cover that has been slide above the nuclear reactor. I have been working there, we have radiation-meter with us all the times, when we got too much radiations we are sent back home to rest to stay below the limit. Depending how close you work from this sarcophagus, you can stay more than a couple of months there.
    You really think those dudes are risking cancer by taking a few pictures? Staying in Tchernobyl for 2 days and not get closer than 500m from the reactor? Stop watching Hollywood movies.

  19. You can bet all the bloggers in california would do this too if they had a powerplant nearby, only they would take selfies during the meltdown while typing “WE OUT HERE!”

  20. tens of thousands of people died a horrible death – babies and children included. Whole families wiped out. Even years later, babies born with horrible birth defects. It was almost a global catastrophe and only the extraordinary courage of the firemen, miners and other people to go into the death zone for the good of the human race stopped us all from being victims. You should google it.

  21. The point is – it’s like going to Auschwitz and posing for sexy pics. Its in very bad taste.

  22. Still safer then using coal to generate electricity.

  23. Did they not learned that people died there? To have no respect for a sad tragedy and lives lost there is awful.

    Someone ought to invite them to take a closer look at the Elephant’s Foot for a change of scenery. Let them have it.

  24. Ok, disrespect…

  25. Chernobyl is hardly comparable to the Auschwitz death camp. Chernobyl was an accident. If it were forbidden to take silly sexy pictures anywhere there’d ever been tragedy and suffering, then there’d be virtually nowhere on this planet’s habitable surface where it would be okay. You can’t live your life weeping for every sparrow that falls, and it is the people who say that nobody should be happy so long as they are miserable who are the truly dysfunctional ones.

    “Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you fall down a manhole and die.”
    – Mel “I Personally Fought Nazis, Then Went Home to Make Jokes About Them” Brooks

  26. Oh, sorry, didn’t know. I don’t have google and my wikipedia is lost.

  27. Ironically the surroundings especialy with vegetation are more contaminated than the actual vicinity of the sarcophagus. The plants accumulate radioactive isotopes. If you stay on concrete and asphalts areas you are quite safe. But avoid the green spots.

  28. Good chance for that. The Americans were so smart to build a nuclear power plant directly above a tectonic fault line in California. Just wait for it.

  29. @Stoprationalism, The point is the cancer risk in the title. As I explain the risk is low and even lower when you take 2 pictures and leave. You missed the point! You argument is valid, but you missed the point

  30. It doesn’t matter what religion they are. – Oh, MORONS ,sorry.

  31. Cancer nominees.

  32. Actually, most of the radioactive inventory of this reactor went straight into the atmosphere. The entire sarcophagus is just a nice way for Ukraine to have the world send them shitloads of money.

    Anyway, many people died shortly after the explosion back in the day, those who had to work there right away. Why such a place is seen by some fit to pose, I don’t know. But then, I don’t know why people pose at, for instance, the Auschwitz camp to have something to show on Instagram.

  33. Yes, this. They should all spend a week right next to the elephant’s foot. Maybe that would bring them to their senses.

  34. Hopefully they all die very soon.

  35. All places on this photos are clear from radiation. But some buldings are dangerous about bad technnical condition. And in Chernoyl Zone is prohibited to be on the air with clear legs, arms, body. But, in general all this things not a way to cancer, so relax))

  36. i agree

  37. Everyone has a right to feel offended but try not to abuse it.

  38. @Teecher

    No. You should google it. Chernobyl was a terrible disaster and an unnecessary one. But not “tens of thousands of people died a horrible death”. According to the UNSCEAR report there are 43 deaths that can be attributed to the disaster and all of them were workers on the clean-up. Not “whole families”.
    The number of birth defects in the region is not higher than the average in ex-Soviet russia. In fact there are people (mostly sweet old ladies) illegally living in the exclusion zone and doing fine.
    Watch the documentary “Chernobyl: A natural history”

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