Redneck Retriever Meme

This meme will definitely remind you of your creepy uncle who tends to say things he shouldn’t at Thanksgiving or other family gatherings.

Redneck retriever meme.

Redneck retriever meme.

Redneck retriever meme.

Redneck retriever meme.

Redneck retriever meme.

Redneck retriever meme.

Redneck retriever meme.

Redneck retriever meme.

Redneck retriever meme.

Redneck retriever meme.

Redneck retriever meme.

22 thoughts on “Redneck Retriever Meme”

  1. Nothing about not wearing muzzles, and covid being a conspiracy?

  2. In the UK this comic could get you in big heap’m doodoo.

  3. Nothing offensive here.
    Just good humor.

  4. Being in the UK would right now could bring you in big heap’m covit doodoo.

  5. Being in the UK your already in big doodoo. Can’t imagine not having a say in my own country. Watching the inevitable happen on the streets. The world pities you.

  6. ikr it’s like they aren’t even trying anymore.

  7. Back from the refrigerator upstairs, are we?

  8. ?? Must be a UK thing.

  9. I’m offended that Black retrievers are not represented. System comic racism.

  10. earlier goes to dogs

  11. Yeah, he’s clearly English… … …

  12. @Capitalization Matters So you don’t get the meme.

  13. The Left thinks that a black Lab a yellow Lab and a chocolate Lab are three different races of dog based on fur color. The Right knows that there is only one race, the human race, and that “Race” is just made up BS. So since there’s only one race there is no such thing as racism or racists. Just dumb people.

  14. Unfortunately for your attempt to seem smart it’s the other way around.

  15. Facts hurt you brain huh. If you can defend that there is more then one race of human with empIrical scientific evidence DO IT. Otherwise your just using emotions to fight facts, you know, handbook of the Left.

  16. Racism being a misnomer does not imply that discrimination by skin color does not exist.

  17. There can be no such thing as racism. Your a brain washed useful idiot. Tall people have the most privilege. So should we have short people marches. Riot Loot kill some tall people. This is all just election year pandering. The whole thing ends when Trump wins. And when he wins remember it’s the Left that got him elected in the first place. The world thanks you for that because now we have to suffer another 4 years.

  18. I think we should ask the Uighurs they’re opinion on the CCP’s comedy stylings.

  19. Eatliver – the anonymizer.

  20. ooof … are these the jokes where the cringy kid (Eatliver Jr.) has to be smiled at and said “yeah funny, pls go away?”

  21. *neighbourhood

  22. I find the memes hilarious but also cause I love Golden retrievers

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