Profile Picture vs. Reality

Ever wonder what Trump REALLY looks like?

9 thoughts on “Profile Picture vs. Reality”

  1. TIL that in WW1 the munition factory workers would use TNT to dye their hair yellow. This would also sometimes stain the skin.

    I’m not sure if there’s a correlation here, but just wanted to put that out here.

  2. Well, he’s orange.

  3. Ha, ha! The notion of him holding a tool is hilarious.

  4. What prisons have veggie gardens?

  5. It’s not Hillary.

  6. The left picture was taken when Trump and Macron planted a tree in the front of the white house.
    there are news reports this tree has died. What a surprise.

  7. Poor woman, to be likened to that.

  8. @anonymous

    Your observation skills are undeniable.

  9. Everything around Trump dies. Especially the truth.
    The tree was planted, then digged up again because it was supposed to be in quarantine for some time. Regulations. There it died because no one cared for it.

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