The Ghost of Moscow

Russia's rating downgraded to CCCP, welcome back to 1984.

29 thoughts on “The Ghost of Moscow”

  1. Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Somalia, Yemen etc.. hundreds of thousands dead. Obama drone strikes on innocent women and children. The media and the World is silent. Ukraine REEEEEE! The hypocrisy is unbelievable.

  2. The Sheepberals are coming! The Sheepberals are coming !!

  3. He can because he has one.
    USA has none

  4. More politics :(

  5. I agree, but if you post a picture of Putin, your going to get politics.

  6. What you want him to post, fart jokes?
    Politics and religion are probably the two most joke-able things. Because they are ridiculous.

  7. Well, I guess only time will tell. Not so sure they will be worse off in the long run.

  8. The world was anything but silent. The world wants to see Bush II for an international criminal court for the unlawful invasion of Iraq. That did not go down to well with the US: they adopted the Hague invasion act. And there were far more drone attacks attacks under Trump then under Obama.

  9. Why didn’t Putin just sit in a truck and pretend to drive and honk the horn?

  10. Of course, now Putin and Xi work furiously to develop their alternative to SWIFT and end dollar hegemony.

  11. They are indeed ridiculous.

  12. They’ve already replaced visa with the chinese union card operating out of china.

  13. Only winner here is Xi though. Soon Putin will be his pet. Or they kill each other.

  14. Try to find the documentary by Oliver Stone called Ukraine on Fire. It was made in 2016. It explains most of what’s happening now.

  15. I’m not a politician, but obviously only NATO gains from this war. It makes me think and not trust anyone.

  16. Putin is self conscious of his tiny manhood. He is also short, and has small hands.
    He always bragged about his mighty military. Not much to brag about there as we’ve

  17. Meanwhile senile Joe blames the Ukraine crisis for the increase in the price of oil.

    NEWS FLASH – The price of oil was up 48% under Biden before Ukraine ever happened! Of course the left knows that libs will swallow anything because they are too busy with TikTok and deciding what sex they want to be to research facts themselves.

  18. What does NATO gain from Russia attacking Ukraine? NATO is no party in this war. Ukraine is a neutral country. NATO membership for Ukraine was not under serious consideration. Russia was never under the treat of being attacked by NATO as NATO is a defensive pact. If a NATO member would attack Russia on its own NATO would not help that member because it would not be defensive action.
    Also Russia was afraid that an EU mebership of Ukraine could “infect” Russia with thougts of freedom and democracy.
    All Russia is afraid is that NATO memberships of its neighbours could prevent Russia from attacking and annexing their lands.

  19. Remember that parade when they showed off the T-90 for the first time? The tank stalled after a few meters and had to be towed away. That gave it away.
    They have a great number of vehicles. A great number of rust buckets.

  20. Not sure Biden controls the price of oil. But if you can’t see why entering a cold war with a major fossil fuel supplier might accelerate upward pressure on fuel prices then you don’t see much at all. That said oil companies are doing well out of it so you probably approve? Supply and demand and all that capitalist stuff the right deifies. Not sure how the Christianists square that circle but they don’t really believe in Jesus since he was a bit of a hippie.

  21. Under Trump the price would be up 300%, it would be tax free for billionairs and the USA became member of the Russian Federation while your boys would die as cannon fodder side by side by their Russian Comrades.

  22. the idea that Trump or the republicans would fare any better is the real joke here – how foggy is your memory? Why the sudden push by the right to defend Russia against a free and democratic country like Ukraine? Republicans often come on these sites and spout about liberal sheepism then spout out word for word the rantings of Tucker/Hannity/Bannon as if it were some original idea. I don’t think it takes much critical thinking to understand that there is a lack of that critical thinking on the right. That said F RUSSIA –

  23. What if no one cared what happened outside of their countries and only focused on making their country better?

  24. then there wouldn’t really be any international trade – we would all likely still be living in the middle ages – without the flow of ideas and currency across borders – the growth of human thought and technology would sort of stagnate a bit no? Though i do like the idea and the sentiment behind it –

  25. That’s conservatism for you. Zero progress is the goal. Wait, aren’t goals too progressive?

  26. Goals create competition that make losers losers.

  27. People that would be against it are the ones who always have their hand out. Like ticks they need a host to feed off.

  28. Putin rocks!

  29. I’ll take things that never happened for $500 please.

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