Tired Bumblebees Who Fell Asleep Inside Flowers With Pollen On Their Little Butts

Sometimes bumblebees get so tired from flying and working that they fall asleep in flowers with pollen all over their lil furry bee butts. Like these lovely creatures listed below.

Really tired bumblebee sleeping in a flower.

Really tired bumblebee sleeping in a flower.

Really tired bumblebee sleeping in a flower.

Really tired bumblebee sleeping in a flower.

Really tired bumblebee sleeping in a flower.

Really tired bumblebee sleeping in a flower.

Really tired bumblebee sleeping in a flower.

Really tired bumblebee sleeping in a flower.

Really tired bumblebee sleeping in a flower.

Really tired bumblebee sleeping in a flower.

Really tired bumblebee sleeping in a flower.

Really tired bumblebee sleeping in a flower.

Really tired bumblebee sleeping in a flower.

Really tired bumblebee sleeping in a flower.

Really tired bumblebee sleeping in a flower.

Really tired bumblebee sleeping in a flower.

Really tired bumblebee sleeping in a flower.

57 thoughts on “Tired Bumblebees Who Fell Asleep Inside Flowers With Pollen On Their Little Butts”

  1. If they stop like that they aren’t asleep, they’re dead.

  2. The queen in the hive will not be amused.

  3. Note to Gen Z:

    If a Video does not move it is called a Photograph.

    It doesn’t mean the people or things in it are dead.

  4. Aren’t bumblebees solitary and without a hive?

  5. I actually found a bunch of bees curled up in my flowers at night one year and went online and asked if anyone could tell me why. I ended up talking to a bee keeper in NH who said they were sleeping. It gets cool at night and it slows them down and they can’t make it back to the hive so the curl up in the flowers until it gets warm enough in the morning.

  6. @poignant:
    They also like to record video’s in portrait mode instead of landscape. I miss the most incredible violence and stupidity of the humans when watching these uploaded videos.

  7. Lazy millennial bees. You want to get them moving, talk about a huge new honey tax to pay off their student loans. Pollen is a right!!!

  8. Aww that’s cute. Fluffy bees asleep in a flower 🌸.

  9. Wow! That’s amazing!

  10. @poignant: That is priceless. That’s clever enough that I will steal it and use it at will, without attribution.

  11. Spammer

  12. @BBJ :
    I, on the other hand, will attribute you every time for the idea of stealing and using some clever idea at will.

  13. Not always… when the weather is cold they will stop and hang out till it is warmer. I’ve seen them do this.

  14. Cute pics but false info. The bees aren’t sleeping in the flower.

  15. Fals pics but cute info.

    Russians! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  16. They’re diving for nectar.

  17. 🤣😭

  18. I don’t respect any of you people.

  19. No. Just smaller hives.
    Why got this censored the first time? This is valid information.

  20. Ok boomer

  21. In general only the queen of the Bumblebees survivevthe winter inside a small hive

  22. poignant, Thank you so much. You just made my entire year with this comment. Next year too. Maybe the one after that. Likely, I will never forget. haha. love it

  23. HAH! hahahaha!

  24. you people?
    i’m no people.
    people are meanies.

  25. Wins award for funniest blog title.

  26. 😂😂😂

  27. Curious? What are they really doing?

  28. @bee tard you’re amazing!

  29. What a cheery thought

  30. No queen for bumblebees!!

  31. Bumblebees live underground…not in a hive….no queen.

  32. if the air has a chill they will do this until it warms up. – signed; beekeeper in an area that may get a chill in the evening but will warm up in the mornings.

  33. 😅🤣😂

  34. <3 this

  35. That is so damn adorable . Poor little tuckered out bees. Love it

  36. This is true. I’ve seen it too and even patted them while asleep.

  37. Not millennials…BaBee Boomers retiring early on fat pensions, with plenty of pollen to spare 🐝

  38. Ok, Beemer.

  39. I’m a bumblebee, I sleep in flowerssszzzzzzzzzz…….

  40. How do you even find these bees asleep in flowers?

  41. You are wrong. Of course bumblebees have a queen too. It’s slightly bigger than the workers. You see them in spring looking for a place for the hive. Look it up.

  42. Wrong. Don’t write BS when you have no clue about the world. Bumblebees have a queen. And a small hive. Underground was the only true fact of yours.


  43. You are wrong. Of course bumblebees have a queen too. It’s slightly bigger than the workers. You see them in spring looking for a place for the hive. Look it up.

  44. Garstly boomers stole it from us.

  45. 😂😂😂😂 ba-bee boomers1🤣🤣

  46. You don’t. Those pics are just stills of collection worker bumblebees. Working hard for their pollen.

  47. If you pet a bumblebee and it lifts its middle leg waving at you. Don’t poke it again. It’s the last warning before it will use its stinger.

  48. Bees do hibernate, I’ve seen them frozen on thewall outside and whenthe sun warms them up they fly away.

  49. Bees do hibernate, I’ve seen them frozen on thewall outside and whenthe sun warms them up they fly away.

  50. No, I have tons of pics where they fall asleep around 6 or 7 pm in the flowers at my parents house. They just fall asleep where they are. You can rouse them. Early the next morning they are off to other flowers.

  51. Burn!

  52. ok boomer

  53. might be their 28th working day…

  54. Try educating yourself before trying to bring everyone down. Just google it and you’ll see that it’s quite common for bees to fall asleep in flowers.

  55. Some of these pics are carpenter bees (shiny butts), not bumble bees (fuzzy butts). Male bumble bees cannot sting; they have no stinger, as you can see in the pics. They raise their foot as a social cue for you to back off; much like humans will put their hand up to signal other people to “stop”. I can confirm that bumble bees will take random naps in flowers; I’ve also seen them fall off of a flower, take a 10 minute nap, then fly away.

  56. Some of these flowers are so strong that only bumble bees can open them and then they become exhausted and fall asleep with their little bee butts up in the air!

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