Modern Journalism

Pretty much sums it up.

5 thoughts on “Modern Journalism”

  1. It’s a Russian conspiracy…

  2. All great humor has its roots in truth, this is how the American main stream media has covered Republicans for decades. Coupled with the failure of schools to teach critical thinking and you have sheople who simply regurgitate what they are told. Only the advent of the internet and the available of information from multiple sources can break the strangle hold the media used to have over the masses. If they will only get off facebook and find the facts.

  3. Yeah, the internet and facebook result in information and truth, that will work. As we see in this Corona crisis. That was irony. You can look it up on the internet. Maybe this will help you develop critical thinking.

  4. Republicans live in a parallel universe, where inconvenient facts are known as fake news.

  5. The American republican party is more of a cult these days. It shows all the signs.


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