Honest Opinion On Having Kids. Finally!

There are many ways adults call kids: crotch goblins, leprechaun lunatics, tiny terrors, diaper rats, ankle biters, snot ninjas… There’s a reason behind such names. Having kids is a never-ending nightmare. Use protection! End the cycle of misery!

I'd like to have kids one day. Maybe two days, but that's it.

35 thoughts on “Honest Opinion On Having Kids. Finally!”

  1. No, one day would be more than sufficient…

  2. Kids are great; at other peoples houses.

  3. What a bunch of wuss

  4. Children are like elephants, interesting to visit, but I wouldn’t wanna own one. 🐘

  5. The real problem is, that smart people tend to forgo reproduction, while dumb people spawn children like crazy.
    And that my fellow liver eaters, is why there are so many idiots here and everywhere.
    Smart people are a waning portion of the demographic
    And the worst is, dumb people don’t know enough to realize they are dumb and go happily about their petty little business each day, while smart people are full of self doubt because they know what they don’t know and tend to think things to death before they speak up.
    Dunning-Kruger … read about it … scientifically proven …

  6. And on Tuesday they go voting republican, because rich people know better what is good for then.

  7. Look at histories worse people, Attila the Hun, Stalin, Hitler, Moa, Trump.
    They all started out as children.

  8. And all of them were conservatives. Coincidence? I guess not.

  9. Don’t forget Pol Pot.

  10. Why is everyone so down on kids? I mean who else are we going to stick with the bill
    for raising the debt ceiling again…

  11. Offendi, is that every Tuesday? Nobody knew that.

  12. It´s been a week now. Measured in internet speed this website is considered as dead.

  13. This is the end if the internet. You now can shut down your computer, turn off your phone, close your laptop.

  14. I’m poor and don’t have a laptop. What should I do instead?

  15. Go out and enjoy summer, if you are on the northern hemisphere. Otherwise, enjoy Winter.

  16. AI has replaced all the staff at Eatliver, all except Guido the ever faithful
    jack of all trades. Now Guido has gone AWAL. Is this your annual
    vacation, are you sick and dying, in jail, on the run from a jealous husband?
    AI, as popular as many employers will tell you, can not do physical duties
    yet, this is where Guido comes in, he has to physically push the button to
    place a new conundrum in our view. A top manager was going to do this
    mundane choir, but was replaced by AI.

  17. Their kids have probably moved off to college already by this point. 🐌🦥🐢

  18. It’s AWOL, genius.

  19. “Goodnight fellas.”

    [Turns off lights. Locks door. Drives away]

  20. Janitor left. A classic.
    Now windwitches during daylight….zombies and werewolves at moonlight…don´t come to this place anymore….just saying….you know how these stories are going…..

  21. If you haven’t watched idiocracy yet, you probably should.

  22. Perhaps they got fed up with every post being shat on by morons who seem to have no humour in their lives and have to twist EVERY F—ING post into a Rep vs Dem squabble.

  23. Site has normal speed here. Your ISP is crap.

  24. Accidents happen, but you gotta be out yo #$%& mind to have one of those things on purpose… 👶

  25. eatliver.. please psot again.. i am a shell without you..

  26. What did we miss?

  27. Ogre.

  28. Don’t mind me.
    I’m just passing this dead valley on my way to /b/.

  29. I believe it was the sage advice of Michael Jackson that went,

    If you can’t feed your baby (yeah, yeah)
    Then don’t have a baby (yeah, yeah)
    And don’t think maybe (yeah, yeah)
    If you can’t feed your baby (yeah, yeah)

  30. Yeh, quoting Micheal Jackson as a good example for child advice.
    I guess you forgot what a pervert that pervert was.

  31. Happy No Dependents Day! 🎆

  32. theres no need for a specific holiday just for people without kids, because every day is like a holiday without kids.

  33. True. Also it’s good certain people don’t have kids.

  34. Eat Liver, please come back!

  35. Yes, we urgently need you!

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