The Main Benefit of Drinking Green Tea

By replacing your morning coffee with green tea, you can lose up to 87% of what little joy you have left in your life.

14 thoughts on “The Main Benefit of Drinking Green Tea”

  1. I pity the fool who would rather eat liver than drink tea!

  2. The struggle is real. I had to quit drinking coffee because of my acid reflux. It’s a real bummer.

    Tea is not that bad, but it’s hard to replace something you’ve been used to for 35 years.

  3. I never drank coffee. Tried green tea. Got acid reflux.
    That stuff is rotten garbage. Got no problems with other teas.

  4. Irish Breakfast Tea if you want to level ip.

  5. Mmmmm…I disagree darlin’. 😮

  6. Mmmmm…I disagree darlin’. 😮

  7. Hot salad water…

  8. The irony is, that several types of tea, has quite a lot of caffeine in it …

  9. It’s not about the caffeine. It’s about the antioxidants and enzymes.

  10. As I sit here having my morning cuppa of green tea, one must admit
    tea drinkers are a special breed. A Generous and gregarious lot.
    P.S. Never add milk, cream or sweetener to green tea, umkay,

  11. Pleb.

  12. Still rotten brew.

  13. If you want to comment please insert a syllable.

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