How To Get More Tips? Add a Funny Tip Jar Sign!

Many people hate tipping and there are countries where tipping is unacceptable, but in the greatest country in the world (US of A) tipping is a national pastime, so business owners come up with funny messages on tip jars to encourage customers to part with their money.

Clever way to get more tips.

Clever way to get more tips.

Clever way to get more tips.

Clever way to get more tips.

Clever way to get more tips.

Clever way to get more tips.

Clever way to get more tips.

Clever way to get more tips.

Clever way to get more tips.

Clever way to get more tips.

Clever way to get more tips.

Clever way to get more tips.

Clever way to get more tips.

Clever way to get more tips.

Clever way to get more tips.

Clever way to get more tips.

Clever way to get more tips.

Clever way to get more tips.

Clever way to get more tips.

Clever way to get more tips.

Clever way to get more tips.

Clever way to get more tips.

20 thoughts on “How To Get More Tips? Add a Funny Tip Jar Sign!”

  1. If they want more money, they should complain to their employers, not the customers.

  2. The Wu broke me of going to restaurants and such and Klaus Schwab said I it was a decadent act of self gratification. He also said I will own nothing and be happy.

  3. If they raise the wages then they have to raise the prices. This way you can get off cheaper by stiffing them on their tip. Win. Win. /S

  4. Do they pay taxes from the tips?

  5. How attractive are you? -10 XD

  6. We need to ban cash tips and enforce electronic payments so Starbucks Batista’s can’t commit fraud when they do their taxes.

  7. I spit in your coffee and I have AIDS, The Wu and blue hair.

  8. Must you have an opinion about everything?

  9. Anybody who buys coffee from Starbucks is crazy

  10. In 1st world countries employees can live from what they are payed. America is so broken.

  11. Some employers extort a portion of the tips for themselves.

  12. In many countries tipping is considered an insult. Tipping is mainly an US american thing.

  13. This is a real shame. The US allow employers to vastly underpay their staff in order that tips then become part of their everyday pay. In smaller places here you would tip but this is in addition to the staff getting a living wage. Our prices are NOT higher as a result despite what the US has brainwashed its people into thinking. Treat people with respect..

  14. I would 100% tip in the last jar

  15. Pretty ugly…… so can i grab 10$?

  16. Many years ago, I worked as a waiter and tips were an important part of my income. Not so much for many of my coworkers. When they complained that it wasn’t fair that I received more in tips than they and management decided to consolidate the tips (and divide out evenly (equity)), I quit. I got a better job elsewhere (not in the service industry). Tipping rewards ability and industriousness. And discourages slothfulness.

  17. How to tip correctly? It’s easy: big tits – big tips.

  18. In first world countries schools educate youth to spell “paid” correctly.

  19. In first world countries schools educate youth to spell “paid” correctly.

  20. All tips are optional. Tips at restaurants are part of wage. Tip jars are not. The tip jar is just a nice gesture to low wage employees who are doing a good job. My opinion.

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