Proof that Earth is Flat

26 thoughts on “Proof that Earth is Flat”

  1. Sigh. Too much effort.

  2. Might work… for idiots.

  3. All of that makes sense to me.

  4. Not a concern of mine. I don’t live on the Earth.

  5. Deluded.


  7. your an idiot go back to 6th grade science class

  8. The sad thing is there will be idiots that believe every word of this tripe.

  9. Ha ha! I’m convinced!

  10. so why dont you hit the rear window if you jump in a bus going 75 mph?

  11. And some of those idiots are atheists.

  12. You’re an idiot! Go back to 6th grade grammar class.

  13. You are right. Some will be atheists but most atheists use logic as opposed to faith when reasoning things out so many more religious people will fall for this partly because their background in true science is lacking and partly because their religion is so anti science that they will just agree with anything that may contradict prevalent scientific findings.

  14. Uranus?

  15. @ Einstein – not mine, your’s.

  16. Busses don’t go 75 mph. sd is taking through his/her backsides.

  17. This post killed 50% of my brain cells.

  18. obama supporter logic!

  19. I’m glad I like science :) btw, its scientifically proven then religious affiliation (atheist, christian, or otherwise) has absolutely NOTHING to do with someone’s level of intelligence. Sooo everyone shut up about it, please. Its such a tired argument that’s not even worth having.

  20. I really love this post… I read it as ironic due to the amount of contradiction in all the “reasonnings”…

  21. Stop falling for obvious troll science.

  22. There is actually a website called –
    It’s full of idiots who believe this crap!

  23. The balloon itself is not nearly large enough to own its own gravitational pull to hold the paper..

  24. hahaha! Best comment ever! :D

  25. The earth cannot be flat otherwise the cats would have pushed everything off the edge by now.

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