Deceptive Packaging: Companies Are Scamming You Daily

Not only everything is getting more expensive, you are also being scammed every time you visit a grocery store. Welcome to the corporate paradise, peasant! Buy, consume, and don’t complain!

Deceptive packaging.

Deceptive packaging.

Deceptive packaging.

Deceptive packaging.

Deceptive packaging.

Deceptive packaging.

Deceptive packaging.

Deceptive packaging.

Deceptive packaging.

Deceptive packaging.

Deceptive packaging.

Deceptive packaging.

Deceptive packaging.

Deceptive packaging.

Deceptive packaging.

Deceptive packaging.

Deceptive packaging.

Deceptive packaging.

Deceptive packaging.

Deceptive packaging.

Deceptive packaging.

Deceptive packaging.

Deceptive packaging.

25 thoughts on “Deceptive Packaging: Companies Are Scamming You Daily”

  1. Half vegan filet is better than a whole one. The company did him a favor.

  2. What’s new?
    „Package not full due to technical reasons“
    Is the euphemism to tell you why the corn flakes pack is only 2/3 or at best 3/4 full.
    In reality they use psychology, big package associated with big value!
    To all these companies there is only one thing that matters, profit.
    And everything that is in the way of profit must go, quality ingredients, quality control, etc. is only done as much as required by law and so they don’t get into trouble with the authorities.

  3. Snickers Yard says there are 18 bars inside. Check.

    They may also have called it Snickers Gallon, or Ton.

  4. picard should be ashamed. i’d expect more from a starfleet officer.

  5. Chiselling bastards. Hang them all by their heels.

  6. BASTARDS! Most of that Shite is Illegal in Australia

  7. F*ckin Democrats!!

  8. I‘m a bit confused with the democrats, Somehow I thought it has more to do with capitalism.

  9. No referencing the missing triangles in a Toblerone? That one was a crime.

  10. For some of these items, what is going into a body looks worse than what is coming out. Why would you eat that???

  11. Cereals and other loosely packed things settle down in the box during shipping. some even tell you so on the box.

  12. He doesn’t read anything he just always repeats the same thing ad nauseum. Simple minds= simple phrases,

  13. And you believe everything someone tells you on a box?

  14. Republicans deregulated the market and gave you such packaging. Enjoy, slave.

  15. Only in the U.S. Freedom Toblerone.

  16. like

  17. Nothing wrong with the cheddar package. They can’t make all different sizes of packages for all sizes of cheese and you can see what you get before buying.

  18. No, there must be a manual on the front for Americans how to turn the package. How would they know?

  19. He’s the home rightard of eatliver.

  20. Probably way better than your pitiful use of grammar.

  21. As we can see, even the “vegan do gooders” are crooks (Greenland)

  22. Correction: Greenlegends.

  23. Your a moron if your buying ANY frozen pizza.

  24. *You’re*

  25. “Sold by weight, not by volume” is written on many, if not most, loosely packed cereals, chips, etc. Bags of crushable items are intentionally inflated with nitrogen to provide a cushion minimize damage and extend shelf life. Many of these images look staged, as I would return half of them to the store if I opened a package to find that inside.

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