If Trump Insists On Calling It The “Chinese Virus”…

Should we start calling MAGA hats "Chinese hats"? That's where they come from, after all.

38 thoughts on “If Trump Insists On Calling It The “Chinese Virus”…”

  1. It comes from Wuhan , Wuhan is in China, Chinese Virus

  2. It comes from Wuhan , Wuhan is in China, Chinese Virus

  3. What about Zaire Ebola, West Nile or Legionnaires disease? The media are idiots. Trump is too. They deserve each other.

  4. Try again lib-tard. The official hats are all made in the USA, Cheap knock-offs are made in China. https://bit.ly/33XUFQd

  5. On which map did you find Legionnaires?.

  6. Nice double fake post, Billy Drumpf. How many aliases do you use?

  7. It’s just populist speech to distract from his incompetence. Even though the virus originated in China – because they eat everything that can’t escape fast enough.

  8. I am Legion, for we are many Rightards.

  9. Legionnaires are bacteria. And they are everywhere.

  10. The knockoff hats are made in China. The knockoff jokes are found here!

  11. The Spanish flu came from Kansas though…

  12. The knockoff U.S. president was found in Russia.

  13. Pence is a machine. They didn’t even bothered to give him facial expressions.

  14. They*

  15. The hat is popular, I expect there are knock offs.

    However the virus is misnamed. I posted this on media matters, but even saying CCP (Chinese Communist Party) will put your comment up for review; My favs are;

    * CCP Boomer Remover Wahun Red Death
    * The Chicom plague
    * Kung Flue

  16. More and more I wonder if old testament dietary traditions are not aproos now. Not just for us but for the world as a whole since it affects us all.

  17. After noticing names like Spanish flu, swine flu etc. created excuses for bigots like Trump to spread their hate and even hurt people or animals, in 2015 WHO has adviced not to use place, ethnicity, animal etc. names when naming the diseases. Just search “how diseases are named”.

  18. Are you saying that nobody owns those cheap knock offs?

    There are Trump heads out there hating on the Chinese and wearing these hats.

  19. Let’s call it the Trump virus.

    His casual response is the reason that the USA has more COVID-19 patients than any other country. ( or maybe the ‘Fox virus’? They are to blame too.) It’s going to get a lot worse too….especially if people actually try to go back to normal on Easter Sunday.

  20. Fairy tale burgers?

  21. The world does it according to the WHO. Only Trump is calling it China Virus. If stupidity was a virus it would be American flu.

  22. Trump’s curse

  23. I’m sure Americans are happy to die for their president, economy, gun owners and shareholder value. Americans first.

  24. It’s a common tactic from fascists. It appeals to all the racists in his base too.


  25. Now he tells us New York doesn’t need all those ventilators. Don’t worry though, he’s clearly an expert. There were only 15 people… it’s going to go away…..


  26. Jesus – the Jewish profet. Human – the Southern African speaking monkey.

  27. Go ahead and call it whatever you want. Still doesn’t change the fact that Trump is going to absolutely steamroll any democrat in the election due to all of the nonsense they have committed in the last 4 years.

  28. Ever wondered why the republican senators did not call for witnesses to prove Donny’s innocence?

  29. There were none. Reps denied winesses that would proven Trump guilty. It was all fake. Like the fake POTUS Trump.

  30. China, the same people who gave you contaminated toothpaste, toxic dog food, drywall, fish, toys, tires and ceramic heaters.

  31. Define casual response? Waiting cheese ****.

  32. Who is to blame? Chinese businesses or American managers moving production to China?

  33. Casual response: lie, deny, do nothing, wait for others to solve the problem. Story of his life.

  34. Oops, you posted a snopes link and snopes is the natural enemy of any Trump supporter because they have literally debunked 27 brazillian Trump lies so there’s going be a lot of exploding heads now…

  35. That’s PRESIDENT Trump, you disrespectful jerks (when you receive your $1200 bail-out, will he be your president THEN?). It’s only (insert this week’s asinine, debate-ending SJW – ism phrase) when TRUMP does it. To wit, here’s a list of SEVENTEEN place-name viruses (such as LYME, connecticut, etc – see link below). Trump – out in front of the hysteria right from the START with a media that’s been inflating the statistics and shamefully pouring kerosene on a forest fire – he’s Satan Incarnate; ObaMessiah GOLFS and doesn’t do a DAMN THING while H1N1 rages on, until about six months in – He Walks On Water. Give me a BREAK with your HYPOCRISY. https://bit.ly/3elU2oz

  36. I’d love it if it were true. I’d love the irony if trump’s hats were made in china, that the chinese were so greedy that they helped get someone into power that responded to 20 years of chinese tradewars with not just the USA but the whole of Europe and the world. Apparently though, it’s a myth, the real MAGA hats aren’t made in China :(

  37. Lolz
    Magazine hats should be make America crap again
    And corona virus should be trump virus
    Or is that syphilis?

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