Our Chicken Recipe Is Pretty Simple

How do you prepare the chicken? We just tell them straight out they are going to die.

8 thoughts on “Our Chicken Recipe Is Pretty Simple”

  1. You can never be prepared for news like this. It’s so sad.

  2. What’s sad, Josef, is people who have no sense of humor and take a meme too seriously. It’s one thing for you to be so joyless that you can’t laugh at a joke, but then you attempt to bring others down with such a maudlin comment, like yours.

  3. Life is just a string of disappointments ending in death, right?

  4. For Americans, yes.

  5. How can you tell if they served you rooster?

  6. Everyone. Everyone will die, and soon. After all, what is a hunderd puny terran years for the Universe, right? We are already dead, we just haven’t accepted it yet. And our lives and those of them dead tasty chicken? Nothing. Just nothing in the grand scheme of Universe. So… whatever.

  7. Vegetarianism is a compassionate lifestyle and comes highly recommended.

  8. Some nazis eat vegetables, others eat cheeseburgers. My guess is, all nazis eat.

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