Kitlers: Cats That Look Like Hitler

Some cats just want to do the usual cat stuff like catching birds or napping. These cats, however, want to invade Poland. We call them Kitlers.

Meet Kitler: cat that look like Hitler.

Meet Kitler: cat that look like Hitler.


Meet Kitler: cat that look like Hitler.

Meet Kitler: cat that look like Hitler.


Meet Kitler: cat that look like Hitler.

Meet Kitler: cat that look like Hitler.

Meet Kitler: cat that look like Hitler.

Meet Kitler: cat that look like Hitler.


Meet Kitler: cat that look like Hitler.

Meet Kitler: cat that look like Hitler.

Meet Kitler: cat that look like Hitler.

Meet Kitler: cat that look like Hitler.

Meet Kitler: cat that look like Hitler.

Meet Kitler: cat that look like Hitler.


Meet Kitler: cat that look like Hitler.

Meet Kitler: cat that look like Hitler.

Meet Kitler: cat that look like Hitler.

10 thoughts on “Kitlers: Cats That Look Like Hitler”

  1. I think this is illegal.

  2. Why don’t you say Charlie Chaplain?

  3. If they said Charlie Chaplain, they wouldn’t be “Kitlers”

  4. Half of them do look like Chaplin. Every photo of Hitler, he has his hair parted on one side. A lot Chaplin photos, he has hair parted in the middle.

  5. Kitlers and Catlins

  6. Proves reincarnation real.

  7. i was here to laugh, but that 2nd one is just uncanny. if the photo was in black and white, i would swear i was watching the history channel.

  8. Calling someone Hitler whether it’s human or animal is not illegal you Twit.

  9. Note for Chaplin it was just a movie character he played.
    For Hitler, it was not just the looks.

  10. Amazing what a black marker will do to makeover a cat. Shame to those who do that to a cat. BTW, I’m not necessarily on Cat Man’s side.


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