Look At These Useless Rulers!

Totally, utterly useless.

25 thoughts on “Look At These Useless Rulers!”

  1. Trump fanboy in 3, 2, 1, … oh, he died of Covid-19. Next!


  3. I think it’s funny you think of him as a ruler when he’s just an elected official. Says loads about your mind set. Deep inside you want a ruler. Trump is your Daddy.

  4. 3 of them are not entirely useless.

  5. It is Trump’s mindset: “When somebody is the president of the united states, the authority is total.
    And that is the way it’s got to be. It is total. It is total.”

  6. The humour is not what is IN these images, but what couldn’t be included for being out of context.

  7. Trump wasn’t elected by the American people. Just by a bribeed electioral college.

  8. Rulers using inches are useless per se.

  9. They are RULES. – A ruler is a monarch of some kind.

  10. Oh enough of the lies! There are 3142 counties in the US. Trump won 3084. Killary won 57. Thats a fact, google it. Do the people on the Left ever think for themselves? This is why your going to lose, AGAIN. The Left controls the media, social media is openly censoring people on the Right or in the middle. They control your rotting culture and news you see or more importantly don’t see and your will still lose. Because people KNOW instinctively what the Left is. They feel it. When someone says they would vote for Biden even if he boiled babies and ate them, or a representative says she believes the rape accusations but will still vote for this crazy old racist then you know. The Left is a cult.

  11. I googled your “fact”: AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. Trump won 2,626 counties while Clinton took 487 of them nationwide. While Trump won more counties and electoral votes than Clinton, she won the popular vote by more than 3 million.

  12. The popular vote doesn’t mean anything in American politics. Left can only win when they change the rules or cheat using illegal voters. Haha. You lost. Suck it finally will ya

  13. Ugh – what? Eric – you’re not much of an academic or a thinker are ya? I see that you are bad at research too as your referenced stats are false. It’s not a right vs left thing – that is a simple way of looking at the world. Its a simple way of looking at the world that molds your ignorance so heavily. I am a conservative and I very much dislike Trump. He has actively gone on a campaign of shameless-self-promotion and is currently dismantling institutions for which we should be thankful for the blessings and economic prosperity we have experienced in this country. Trump has done nothing for you or I or anyone else in this country. He has passed very few measures or policies that have had any real sizeable impact anywhere. He simply has folded his hands and plastered the world with false narratives of his laurels. He is less of a president or ruler and more of that ******* in the group project that does no work but hogs the presentation to kiss the teachers a**.

  14. TDS is worse than Covid19

  15. Heh. Look at “Eric” squirm and cry. Ashamed of Trump but too embarrassed to say it.

  16. What an idiotic thing to say. A made up ‘syndrome’ based on some sort of nonsensical idealism of us vs them is somehow worse than a disease that has killed over 100k people so far in just under 3 mos. To say that any president is infallible and should not receive any criticism is fundamentally un-American. I believe if there is a phenomena of strange behavior which could be classified as a syndrome; it would be these die hard supporters of an elected official…..an employee so to speak. There is a word for it too – in the APA even: phronemophobia

  17. Yeah, kind of like Islamaphobia. A made up phobia based on some sort of nonsensical belief that mohamadans will chop off your head if you disagree with them. That nevers happens. Except.. all the @#&%in time!

  18. Thats a pretty ignorant statement as well. It insinuates that no other religion has sparked violence – any quick glance at any history 101 will speak differently about that – look at Bosnia and Croatia – the OK city bombings – whats going on in Myanmar – open your eyes

  19. No comparison. Child rape, genital mutilation, honor killing, stonings, treating women like cattle. No. Islam is a crime against humanity

  20. there is all of that in the old testament bud –

  21. Erick, you are totally correct, but these “Liberals” would rather drink the kool-aid and live in a state of delusion. They are the “useful Idiots” their corrupt leaders depend upon in their quest to destroy our Constitutional Republic from the inside. They hate President Trump because he makes fools of them on a daily basis. –God bless him.

  22. And was the world where it is now way, way Way back then. Not an excuse. We know it’s wrong. We know it’s harmful for women and children. Yet we suffer it in our communities. Why? Its 2020. Stop defending evil.

  23. Nobody is defending evil buckaroo. I think you are putting a lot of emphasis of Muslims being the cause of your suffering in your community – that seems odd to me…….Here in America I think Islamic Oppression is not really what is harming our women and children – we know a lot of what our society is – is in fact wrong ;;;;im not defending evil – just questioning your singular focus on this group and somehow believing that they are susceptible to some sort of darker violence and anger than the rest of us – read a headline – not very many murders in my neighborhood happening by Muslims – mostly by white dudes having a bad day.

  24. Trump makes a fool of himself on a daily basis, and his useful idiots do not get it that he and his corrupt crownies are destroying the republic from the inside by violating law after law and fighting all oversight. When will you finally wake up?

  25. America’s greatest president still living rent-free in these idiots’ heads! Love it!

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