Sandwich Monsters

Sandwich Monsters is an ongoing project created and run by food stylist Kasia Haupt, who makes some absolutely spectacular sandwiches out of everyday lunchtime foods. Scroll down to take a look at these beautiful beasts.

7 thoughts on “Sandwich Monsters”

  1. I don’t eat anything that still has a face.

  2. And they told us not to play with our food.

  3. Well, it is kind of art and kind of nice. However, who would eat half of dry bread only due to fact it is shark with bit of cheese an ham in middle an olives at the end. Such a waste…

  4. I ain’t proud, I’d eat any of ’em if not all of ’em.

  5. tide pod sammiches

  6. Creative and kinda cool, but complete waste of food.

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