Boring Paintings? Just Add a Smile To Them!

Old portraits can be quite boring. Luckily, there’s an easy solution – just add your own smile to them! Hopefully this idea will give you a new appreciation for art.

Paintings look so much better with a smile.

Paintings look so much better with a smile.

Paintings look so much better with a smile.

Paintings look so much better with a smile.

Paintings look so much better with a smile.

Paintings look so much better with a smile.

Paintings look so much better with a smile.

18 thoughts on “Boring Paintings? Just Add a Smile To Them!”

  1. Using pictures of white people for funny asian memes is cultural appropriation. White people were slaves too several times in history.

  2. Nice teeth. I’m envious.

  3. Sensitive or dumb? Have a good dump, then get on with life.

  4. Half the portraits shown look better with a frown. Leave history alone, you can not
    change it.

  5. I appropriate what I want.

  6. Not asians. Those are the new canadians.

  7. Clever and disturbing all at once. AI is just plagiarism.

  8. Very creative and definitely getting a little laugh out of me.
    Very contagious smile and all, if only there wasn’t the beard shadow of the gentleman in all these lady paintings

  9. That’s no lady.

  10. It’s true though. Europeans were slaves too. In North Africa for example. The same arguments work like in any other case.
    Cultural appropriation is mostly false these days though. Most of it is – appreciation -. But people are too stupid to see the difference and cancel blindly what they don’t understand because some idiot shouts “cultural appropriation”.

  11. It’s ma’am

  12. See, what you’ve got to do is bring up stuff from the past to try to make yourself seem better.

    Like when someone accuses the GOP of being racist, you just talk about how 150 years ago, it was democrats running the south, and they were racists.

    “see everybody was racist at some time or another, so it’s ok….”

  13. “see everybody was racist at some time or another, so it’s ok….” Actually yes. Too many people try to paint themselves as the victim trying to be the abuser again.
    How about everyone tries to abuse no one?

  14. This definitely has put a smile on my face, thank you :)

  15. I remember years ago when I dressed as a Chinese coolie for a Halloween party.
    Every one at the party cheered my choice, even the imitation buck teeth.
    Now the wimpy little turds we call our children, or grandkids would call me out for
    cultural appropriation, or being a bigot. Give us the strength not to strangle these little suck ups.
    They should all be taught the old saying, “Imitation is the best form of flattery”.

  16. Chinese saying. The irony.

  17. But @OldGezzard, you don’t have any children. You’re a thirty year old virgin who still lives with his parents.

  18. Liberals are quite good at changing History & Definitions to suit their ideology.

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