Did You Know That Some Cows Sit Like Dogs?

Not all cows are the same. Some sit like normal cows, while others think they are actually dogs…

Awkwardly sitting cow.

Awkwardly sitting cow.

Awkwardly sitting cow.

Awkwardly sitting cow.

Awkwardly sitting cow.

Awkwardly sitting cow.

Awkwardly sitting cow.

Awkwardly sitting cow.

Awkwardly sitting cow.

Awkwardly sitting cow.

Awkwardly sitting cow.

Awkwardly sitting cow.

Awkwardly sitting cow.

Awkwardly sitting cow.

Awkwardly sitting cow.

Awkwardly sitting cow.

Awkwardly sitting cow.

Awkwardly sitting cow.

Awkwardly sitting cow.

Awkwardly sitting cow.

Awkwardly sitting cow.

8 thoughts on “Did You Know That Some Cows Sit Like Dogs?”

  1. Needs more cowbell.

  2. The young Lady with her cow…amazing. 😊

  3. The last one reminds me of an American I once met

  4. Geez there are some Ugly Cows in this world

  5. They have buttworms that’s why

  6. and some cows sit in chairs on the set of The View.

  7. Your mum

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