We Did This To Ourselves

The tennis match we all deserve.

19 thoughts on “We Did This To Ourselves”

  1. True. We now have Tweedledee and Tweedledum or is it Dumb and Dumber? Either way it’s a sad day for the world.

  2. These gigantic buttocks need a serious spanking!

  3. Someone has Photoshopped out the shitstains on the back of Trump’s white shorts!

  4. Don’t you mean “those gigantic arseholes”?

  5. Not all of us did that. You did that. You alone.

  6. So this is New York’s gift to the world: Two useless fat clowns in way over their heads. Tennis doesn’t fit them at all, they should take up chainsaw juggling instead.

  7. Didn’t know this site was full of leftist moaners 😂

  8. At the moment you are the only one moaning. Because you can’t live with the fact there is a good chance your beloved leader might be rediculed.
    Despots and their pets always feared humour throughout the history of mankind. Only the one who takes himself too serious can suffer from satire.

  9. What do you mean *we*? I was standing right here.

  10. If the umpire calls Trump’s ball out by a yard, Trump will call it “a complete and total exoneration.”

  11. Yeah I laugh at it. Trump is still winning. I’m laughing and you libs are crying. You got six more years bitches.

  12. Which shows that most (american) people are dumb fux, sorry. Once the Orange Potus rans out of money that Trumpa Morgana will fall apart like a sand cake in the rain. It will be your money he had spent. But be assured you’ll blame the wrong person.
    I hope somewhere some smart person is working on a virus that renders people with insufficient intellect sterile. No more Trump voters, no more Trumps, no more Johnsons, no more religious nuts, no more stupid people. Peace on Earth. A bright future.

  13. like

  14. Let that be a lethal virus, please, or we will still be stuck with those morons for nearly a century.

  15. Am glad you are laughing because the rest of the world is laughing at America. Be proud you elected a woman molester.

  16. No, no lethal virus. That would be genocide. And we don’t want that again, do we? The good thing about viral sterilisattion is no one has to die.

  17. Mass sterilization has been tried before, by the same people infamous for genocide. Sterilized morons can still do a lot of harm, unfortunately.

  18. Wrong! That woman molester is so far up himself not shit could possibly escape

  19. Yeah, but it was the rightards commiting the genocide last time. As always.

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