Stoner Meme: Are You High?

Stoners are an endless source of amusement. Their world is like a never-ending blooper reel. They’re the type to spend twenty minutes trying to figure out if they left the keys in the fridge again, or if that’s just where the gremlins moved them. Their conversations also often drift into deep, philosophical debates – like this one.

Are you high? Am I what? High. Hello.

78 thoughts on “Stoner Meme: Are You High?”

  1. What do you get when you lock a conservative in a sound proof room with a liberal?……………… Peace and quiet!

  2. Pot makes your brain soft.

  3. Americans, thinking everything is evolving around them and their election.
    You live in a democracy, and should be happy you’re allowed to vote, on the candidate of your choosing.
    So stop whining, because someone else have a different opinion than yours.

  4. Americans don’t live in a democracy. It’s a 2-party-dictatorship. And Americans stopped evolving some 100 years ago.

  5. That last comment is one of the stupidest things I have
    ever read. I would call you a numb skull, but that would
    be flattering to you.
    Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuc$ing idiot!!

  6. A typical MAGA conference.

  7. Meanwhile, rest of the world is laughing.
    What a shitshow USA have become.
    This is what happens, when people dont get educated.

  8. One of the big root problems in the US is that, unlike many other countries, the people believe the news and that it is a public service for the public good and not realize that they are as corrupt as anyone else. While this applies to both sides, most of the mainstream media heavily leans to one side. When you see 20 different “news” sources use the same “catch phrase” in a morning. This is one of many reasons we need to maintain the right to question things.

  9. sorry for my typos

  10. The mainstream media leans to one side, of getting the facts right.

  11. I was gonna reply, but the weed made it so I can’t come up with anything worthwhile to say.

  12. People should stop and think about politicians elected in other
    countries before mocking the U.S.
    How about Boris Johnson , what a gift he was to the people
    of the U.K. What is the name of the dictator elected in Hungary.
    What a jewel he has been to the entire European Union.
    Mr. Macron in France, my my. An egotistical little runt who
    suffers Napoleon syndrome.
    Leave the U.S alone, OR they may leave you.
    Think about that!!

  13. Once again, no matter if your liberal or conservative, if your an American you will find a way to annoy the rest of the world! Whether it’s with maga hats telling us covid and climate change is a hoax right down to American trans people telling us there are more than two biological sexes because they feel there is and that men don’t have on average 60 percent more upper body strength then women, it’s just a social construct! You guys are very annoying! You hate science and your down right just un classy! Oh and for goodness sakes update your units of measurement, this isn’t the 18th bloody century anymore!

  14. America leaving the world economy would hurt at first, till we realized they were just a middle man!

  15. Deflection is a popular American tactic! Blame others and shift the focus on them so no one sees the shit show you’ve become!

  16. Anonymous August 5, 2024

    The mainstream media leans to one side, of getting the facts right.
    If that was true, they would issue corrections when they can no longer lie to themselves. It’s a “conspiracy theory” until they are so wrong they can’t deny it anymore. After that, it is never to be spoken of again. Remember, up until July they all spoke of how mentally competent Biden is and you are a Nazi if you question what you, and the world, has been seeing for years.

  17. Eatliver is a web page hosted on a computer but that computer is in the cloud, it’s not in a drawer in a file cabinet. It is flying in the sky on air born computers generating fluffy images and text.

  18. If that was true, they would issue corrections when they can no longer lie to themselves.
    -> Yeah, I remember a book with like 800 pages when the New York times corrected all the lies they printed about the second gulf war (2003).
    Has Fox news released similar?

    I’m not sure how much of the reports were incorrect. However was Bidens condition a huge topic prior to the nominations? There was some talk, but not the top story.
    FWIW, nobody ever challenged whether DJT had sex with Stormy Daniels, paid her for it, and paid her to keep silent. Lies to the public, but the Christian fundamentalists don’t care as long as DJT stands around holding a bible.

    Yeah, some of the European Politics need fixing. USA has the larger list to work through. Like replacing the failed voting system.

  19. Effendi, The Times has proven itself to be far left leaning for many decades, some would even argue before WW2. How about we discuss the past 10 years. I agree, Fox is right leaning, as well as 1 or 2 other small outlets but if we were to judge where they sit just 20 years ago, it would be pretty centered.

    Biden’s condition was evident to anyone with reasonable intelligence, if they only would look with an open mind. Are you saying, you and 90% of the US media thought he was mentally OK? This should have been looked at before he even ran as he suffered 3 aneurysms shortly before.

    Stormy Daniels, who by the way still owes money for the judgment against her related to her accusations which she made and took back and changed numerous times. Yes, there was an NDA. Anyone who works in business deals with them frequently. They literally had to change laws to prosecute Trump and then give a felony for each time something appeared on paper. Why? Because they think he should have used campaign money instead of his own. If that isn’t applied fascism, especially since the people bringing charges ran on “we’ll get Trump, We don’t know what on, but we’ll get him”, tell me what is?

    Failed voting system in the US. I’ll agree on that. Kamala and the rest of the Dem party wants you to believe requiring ID to vote is racist because black people can’t get IDs. That’s applied racism.

  20. Trying to absolve trump of wrong doing is like a child with icing all over their face trying to tell everyone they didn’t eat the cake! It makes you look like a puppet for the rich! They just use you over and over like your a reusable condom! Academia leans left for a reason, the rich lean right for a reason! But please give me 90 paragraphs as to how trump is good because everyone else is bad, but don’t say anything good about trump okay? That’s not what you do! You slander others to attempt to make trump look good, you couldn’t even start your comment with something good about trump, it had to be something about Biden huh? There is a reason for this and it’s called “deflection”! Keep talking about Bidens old age, while trump takes office at an older age than Biden when he took office! This is largely ignored by the retar…sorry republicans! They cannot address why their old incompetent leader is better then the liberals old incompetent leader! They will just continue to slander others, they know it’s the only way!

  21. Trump is good because,…………………………………….Biden is old!!!!! Na na na na you can’t beat meeee!

  22. Oh now you done it
    The Jewish space lasers is gonna get you

  23. Voters registration is yet another issue. Why do you even have to register? Many countries in Europe: You live there (registered as a citizen), you get your voting voucher automatically.

    The electoral vote concept is from 200 years ago when folks from each state traveled to Washington D.C. to elect the president. On top of it the:
    – design of voting districts
    – winner takes it all rule in many states

    Results in: There was more than one president who had lower popular votes than the losing candidate.

    On Mrs. Daniels: I did not refer to the lawsuits. I talked about the “supreme morale” they claim to have, then DJT pais for sex, cheats on his wife and lie about it.

    On Biden: what’s the news? Reagan also was not capable of running the government in his second term due to dementia. But he could still shake hands and deliver speeches. The apparatus runs the country…

  24. Trump is good because of his policies and because he genuinely wants the best for the country.
    Democrats are bad because of their policies and the fact that they would sacrifice anything for their own gain, including the US.

    Biden’s issue wasn’t age, it’s cognitive ability. Add on the decades of corruption and being bad at his job and you got the dumpster fire we have to deal with.

    Trump = money in your pocket
    Dems = Their hand in your pocket

    How did Stormy hurt the country or affect the presidency? Was there any possibility of any secret information that could be lost or sold? Oh you think it may have affected him being elected? How about Hunter’s laptop? Are the 51 security experts still saying it’s a Russian asset?

    How about the Dem controlled agencies that managed to delete a massive amount of J6 info, not just the fake pipe bombs, and now J13 info. Oops! Nothing to see here. We are honest, I swear, if you question anything, you are a Nazi.

    But Trump is the bad one

  25. “Trump is good because of his policies and because he genuinely wants the best for the country.”
    Best joke on Eatliver 2024 🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨

  26. Just because you don’t like it, doesn’t mean it’s not true.

    Trump = Money in your pocket and no new wars
    Democrats = none of the above

  27. Yup because new tariffs on aluminum made it much cheaper for Americans to buy automobile parts! Rather then get the aluminium from Canada, one of Americas biggest trading partners! Best just spit in the face of the already struggling American automobile industry. He was also a blast when he decreased the unemployment rate, by slashing corporate regulations that kept Americans safe and prevented fatigue, good thing he got you all those retail jobs with less workers rights, wouldn’t want them fancy engineering or science jobs that pay well! He also gave America the greatest gift of all, the cure for every ailment, simply inject yourself with bleach and UV the shit out of your insides! What a genius! I can see now why you retar….I mean republicans love him so much! He makes poor people poorer and makes rich people richer!

  28. “How about Hunter’s laptop?” Why did the impeachment inquiry stop dead in its tracks? “After months of investigation and many public accusations of corruption against Mr. Biden and his family, the first report of the premier House G.O.P. inquiry showed no proof of such misconduct.”
    Just because you don’t like it, doesn’t mean it’s not true.

  29. “just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean it’s not true” is going to upset both sides! Both sides think their fantasies are good substitutes for reality!

  30. Republicans spew out more nonsense than the Democrats. No surprise though. There is more mental illness and criminal energy among conservatives.

  31. Always has been.

  32. Dems are bad for losing J6 documents — never mind what Reps did on J6.

  33. High treason. In other countries they and their leader would have met a firing squad.

  34. Do the republicans have a leader? He’s more like a Messiah to them! They like that sort of thing where you can believe in bullshit!

  35. Some weird leader messiah of hell. 🤷‍♂️

  36. We can’t vote in Americas election but we can talk about it every single day. Even though it’s meaningless and useless we just keep doing it day after day. Mostly because we live in small meaningless countries that have already been dominated by the Globalists. Misery love’s company.

  37. Wasn’t it cute how the great American economy nearly collapsed after stable genius Trump established tariffs against small meaningless countries. Because America is so independent and doesn’t need anybody. Just as if they are on another planet. Well, some ‘Mericans 🤡 obviously are. 😂

  38. The American economy almost collapsed? How did I and every news outlet in the world miss that? Did you mean the stock market? Which has collapsed, (your word), what, a dozen times. America prints it’s own money. It isn’t possible for it to “collapse”. And if it somehow did it would take ALL of the world’s economies with it. Maybe do some reading.. just saying.

  39. You might want to watch AND READ something else than just Fox and RT for example. What a stupid question. 😂😂😂 Big news, moron, basicly everybody prints their own money. 🤣 You already damaged the world economy with your real estate bubble some years back. 🤡 You ARE the Globalists. 😂🤣😂🤣

  40. That butthurt American is back complaining about other countries talking about his country, Poor guy! So alone!

  41. Ya Soviet Union could print it’s own money and did, it collapsed!!! America does not own the world economy, it invests in it!! It doesn’t
    have the resources to sustain the world economy you muppet! The EU is thinking about removing themselves from most treaties it signed with the US as it’s proving a useless treaty because America has lost their teeth! All bark now as is present with your ramblings!

  42. No, the EU doesn’t. Troll detected.

  43. Ever heard of the Petro Dollar block head. The only countries collapsing are those that are being crushed under the weight of illegal muslim immigrants. Europe is in serious danger but you, as usual, are just obsessed with anti American hatred. Pathetic. Maybe go talk with someone. Bitterness can kill over time.

  44. Europe is fine. The biggest problem are neonazis and conservative bigots trying to start riots and destabilise European governments and societies for their Russian masters. Same as in the US. The “muslim threat” is minor and can be dealt with easily.

  45. Those rightards know nothing about Europe, the EU and other foreign countries and alliances. Couldn’t find it on a map even if it kills them. But they know all “the problems” because without ‘Murica the world would explode. That’s why all aliens land in the USA and everyone in the universe speaks American… English… damn, forgot the Brits. 😂😂😂

  46. “Europe is fine”. “The muslim threat is minor and can be dealt with easily”. Tell that to all the raped and stabbed children. Tell that to the people going to prison for Facebook posts. You Sir, are an asshat.

  47. Then better stay home, moron. You are on the lists. For stabbing and prison. 🤣🤣🤣

  48. Prison for Facebook posts. Rediculous. If you mean sedition, yes, that’s a criminal offense in some countries thanks to your nazi idols. And slander and threats are not protected by free speech. But you must have multiple occurrences or refuse to pay the fines to end up in prison. They can’t get you into prison as easy as in the US for profit. We have rights. Real rights. Justice isn’t an entertainment show here.

  49. Incitement to commit a crime is also punishable by law in most countries. For blatant reasons……. Free speech is not a golden ticket to do crime.

  50. At least in Europe you don’t go to prison because you are homeless. Land of the free my a**.

  51. American prisons are an enterprise for profit on taxpayer money. If crime rates are falling so is the shareholder value. In such a situation you have to invent new crimes so the prisons can be filled. Criminalisation of citizens is a business in the U.S.

  52. If the US jailed homeless people there wouldn’t BE any homeless people on the streets. So why are they still there? Oh look more lies and hatred towards America and Americans. Sooo surprising on this site. You never hear mindless seething hatred directed towards the US here. Shocking. Wonder what the feeling is on putting people in prison for Facebook posts. Bet it’s all positive and two thumbs up for that fascist nonsense.

  53. Are you triggered you little snowflake!? Go back to China you coward!

  54. Little brown snowflake is melting when his rightard fascist slander and insults aren’t covered by “free speech”. 😂

  55. Don’t think you understand how free speech works. Probably because you’re country no longer has it. You either have free speech and live in a free society or you don’t. You can’t say I believe in free speech but.. That’s no different then saying I’m not racist but..

  56. I understand exactly how free speech work. We have it here. I’m free to say what I want.
    Yet that doesn’t give me the right to slander, defamation, insult or “hate speech”. Free speech is a right – and rights come with responsibilities.
    It’s known Americans aren’t great taking responsibility.

  57. Privilege… speech is a privilege only afforded to those of society that deem themselves the “good guys” they can sayband donehat theybwant but you can’t!

  58. That is why you are a bad guy. And you will never understand what the hell I mean by that. Because you can’t comprehend.

  59. This isn’t a movie, there are no bad guys and good guys just people like you who think their always right and that the rest of the world just can’t comprehend them! The super genius who is misunderstood, how tragic this plot has become!

  60. Hm, yeah. Sure. 😉 Try harder.

  61. You are hurting the American’s dream that they are the only ones with free speech. There is a “but”, also in the US.

  62. “Hm, yeah. Sure. 😉 Try harder.”

    This is what it looks like when someone doesn’t have anything clever to say back!

    Also known as “being wrong”!

  63. You just prove my point. I said everything “clever” neccessary. But as I predicted you were not able to understand it. Instead you tried to evade your dilemma by writing about movies, plots and began to fantasize your own story. You are not a bird. You can’t fly. Only fall.

  64. Awwww it’s trying harder to look smart….that’s adorable! Like a dog trying to be human!

  65. I don’t even know what he’s trying to say, I’m so confused about the dilemma part? It’s like he’s being purposely confusing then razzing people for not understanding his insanity?! Incels man.

  66. So lets hear some free speech. Say something negative about Trudeau or the UK jailing people for retweet’s. I’ll wait.

  67. Paranoia Bob???

  68. You ridicule but I notice you didn’t post any criticism of our Dear Leader or the totalitarianism going on in the UK. Post or you concede the argument and I am correct. We both know you won’t because you CAN’T. You don’t live in a free society and by not posting criticism it proves just that. Have a good day Comrade. I’ll be waiting to read your example of Free Speech.

  69. You can’t vote in Canada so why are you on this website!?

  70. Read a foreign newspaper and you will see they are full of critique of local governments. Because we can.

  71. I CAN and DO vote in Canada. But like you I can’t vote in the US. I just live here. And I notice you still haven’t posted any criticism. Because you can’t without going to jail. While here in the US I can say anything I like. Because the US is a Free society and Canada is not. Also because the WiFi isn’t in my name. Then I wouldn’t be able to go home for medical care because I’d be arrested. Sad state of affairs isn’t it. Bet you voted for Socks huh.

  72. Im not gonna criticize a genius! Your not smart enough to get him!

  73. Wait……you don’t live in Canada but you feel the need to vote there anyway? Then go on eat liver and blast people for talking about politics that dont concernt them??? You are a disgusting hypocrite sir…..the worst kind of troll! A dumb one!

  74. A failure as a troll as he was as a son. We are ashamed.

  75. “Under the imminent lawless action test, speech is not protected by the First Amendment if the speaker intends to incite a violation of the law that is both imminent and likely.” Which is similar to what those tweeters in England were convicted for.

  76. So if you tell everyone to lynch black people……that’s against the law and not protected by free speech?

    I’m not sure how this confuses conservatives!

  77. Call to lynch conservatives and see their outcry for censorsip and penalties. Pathetic hypocrits.

  78. I feel like the only people who answer that call will be…..the conservatives!

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