Is It? Maybe… Probably… Who Knows…

Excuse me... Is this The Society For Asking Stupid Questions?

19 thoughts on “Is It? Maybe… Probably… Who Knows…”

  1. Otherwise known as the Republican Conference

  2. Doocy: “Do you thing inflation is a political liability?”
    The Big Guy: “No it’s a great asset — more inflation. What a stupid son of a bitch.”

  3. XD

  4. Isn’t Joe Biden the greatest President ever?

  5. Nobody is claiming he is.

  6. much better than the Russian asset conman who tantrums like a baby even two years after losing the election – Biden might not be the best president – but any warm body would be better than the Russian apologists on the right – the ones fighting to keep prescription drug prices high – turning away from science – quarreling with Mickey Mouse and Big Bird –

    At least dems have a plan – you can critique the plan – but republicans don’t have an alternative to solve anything – just rile people up against the already ostracized segments of our society. Republicans lack depth and substance in any respect on any issue – they see the world in black and white terms – there are no gray areas of society – they simplify everything to its base level because they do not have the ability to think for themselves. They jump at conspiracy theories without any proof or evidence like lemmings off of a cliff. A party of zombies used like fodder at the polls. They vehemently defend policies that hurt their own constituents at the thought of ‘owning the libs’ – they are master’s of the self-own.

  7. Things are getting too ugly for delicate eyes, and ears.
    Speaking of ugly, Trump in those tight denim short shorts.
    OMG just puked just thinking about it.

  8. Picture looks like the society for answering stupid questions.

  9. Trudeau once said, “If I offend you that is okay, I offend everyone.
    The only time truth dribbled out of his arrogant mouth.

  10. So you suffer from Trudeau derangement syndrome, too? Pretty sure there is a MA* meeting near you. YOu might find someone there to speak too who is interested in your bullsh*t.
    *) Anonymous Morons

  11. Another Justin supporter. Guess all those Covid benefit cheques bought
    your loyalty. You are probably praying daily that the guaranteed $2000.00
    per month payment directly to your bank accounts becomes a reality soon.
    You are just another benefit seeking bast&@d looking for something free.
    Canada’s biggest problem is people like you thinking the country owes you
    a living.
    Go get a job you slimy deadbeat.

  12. I think Canada’s problem is a bunch of uneducated people believing they understand how the economy or government works. The assumption that people would enjoy living on $2k per month is astonishing. Though there are plenty of people who do – they usually do so at the expense of 60 hours split between 2-3 jobs. Im guessing you’re not of a particularly high intelligence – nor have you understood the meager studies you were afforded. I am sorry for that – and again – Canada’s biggest problem is your collective missed opportunity of increasing your world understanding. Your misguided emulation of the American GOP would be comical if it wasn’t sort of alarming. How is it that around the world people with low level educations and intelligence are simultaneously mouthing the same talking points —–which just happen to mirror Russia’s goals – how does that happen? what a coincidence – no?

  13. You should run for the federal NDP party. Maybe you could unseat
    Mr. Singh, he’s a useless leader anyway. As the new leader you can
    then promise, birth to death, complete government control of your
    life. You know, the communist China model.

  14. @Sophie You fool, I’m not Canadian and I didn’t benefit of the the pandemic at all. It’s a pandemic. Only few benefit from that. Especially those who you consider your heroes. Which should make everyone’s alarm bells ringing.
    @Sofa Russian propaganda benefits from collective Dunning Kruger effect due to the decrease in education neoliberalism has produced among the democracies during the last 3 decades. As Sophie demonstrates for us.

  15. There’s only one derangement syndrome, and it’s still going on.

  16. people deranged enough to buy Trump’s bull sheet

  17. There it is!

  18. Voting for the GOP in its current state means voting for Putin to slaughter women and children.

  19. Well Biden is polling lower then the orange clown ever did so prepare yourself. The Lefts ideology has failed. The GOP will be back in control and it’s all the fault of the crazy Left. Thanks again as@ hats.

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