The Society For Asking Stupid Questions

Is this the “Society For Asking Stupid Questions”? Maybe… Probably… Who knows? Maybe the world-famous detective Sherlock Holmes has the answer?

Is this the "Society For Asking Stupid Questions"?

33 thoughts on “The Society For Asking Stupid Questions”

  1. Yes, Sir. I see you are a member of the Trump clan. The insurrection suite has been booked in your name and there is a fresh supply of coccaine on the table.

  2. Well they’ve gotta have something for their nose. It’s gonna take weeks to air that nursing home smell outta the West Wing.

  3. Trump doesn’t smoke or drink but he uses cocaine now.. 🙄. The Left is really reaching, as always. Sad little losers.

  4. The scam games are upon us. Trumps, and Melania’s cryptocurrency’s.
    Bibles, watches, coins. Trump will be taking bids on his used underwear
    soon. When will he have time to govern?

  5. He won’t. Same as last time when hundreds of thousands American citizens died because he was busy playing golf.

  6. Meh. Get a life, asshats.

  7. There is no more life in the U.S. It’s dead like the founding fathers.

  8. Have a great day everyone!!

  9. R.I.P. U.S.A
    Its enemies worldwide are celebrating.

  10. Nooooooooooooooooooooo

  11. For years people talked about the Biden crime family. Emails and witnesses, many who later died talked about how corrupt they were. And to prove it, Dirty Joe pardoned his entire family on his way out the door. His ENTIRE family. Disgusting. He also pardoned Dr Fauci and a bunch of military General’s which proves how dirty they all are But at least The Biden crime family is gone. And our own crime family the Trudeau’s will be out soon as well.

  12. A total of 8000 pardons. 🤔

  13. Biden is smart. Protecting innocent people against the Trump fascists’ blind aggression. Musk made clear which political philosophy he follows. Better train your right arms, Americans.

  14. “Biden is smart”. Hahaha. Yes, that’s why he was forced to drop out of the race. Brain dead. That’s like saying Justine isn’t corrupt and wasn’t forced to resign due to incompetence. Man, the remaining Leftists, and there are not many left, are just crazy! Good thing the world has turned away in disgust.

  15. He’s old but not dumb. You are young but dumb. See the difference? I guess not.

  16. We know now that the Democrats hid his cognitive decline from the American people for years. He doesn’t and hasn’t been capable of performing his duties. He was surrounded by people who used him. Explains the 8000 pardons. But it doesn’t matter. Trump erased his entire Presidency in one day.

  17. Why should anyone listen to you, peasant?

  18. Cry harder Libtard

  19. Your owner should flock you for that. Other than you I’m a free man.

  20. It would be flog you and “other than you I’m a free man” makes no sense. Kind of like the Left crying because the world turned their backs on them. They earned their place in the trash bin of history.

  21. I’m happy I ain’t living in that dump Murica.
    No matter the president, they are fooked.
    Uneducated masses blaming each other, just as the leaders intended.
    As long you play the blame game, they can do whatever they like while convincing you poor bastard it’s the right thing to do.

    Maybe start doing your own research, instead of getting your news from social media.

  22. It would be fine and all. Let them devour themselves. The problem is they carry their hate and stupidity into our countries and spoil everything like a disease.

  23. Who’s that.. the illegal invaders? I agree.

  24. Exactly, the illegal invaders who slaughtered the American native tribes. Trump is illegal too, you know?

  25. You know the Indians had slaves right? Uncivilized murdering tribesmen got smoked. So sad. Now if we could just do the same with Radical Leftists we’d all be better off.

  26. What has that to do with the topic? Stop trying to divert from the fact that you are an illegitimate American. You are the foul son of invading brutes, criminals and religious fanatics.

  27. I’m Canadian thanks. And Conquest is the way of the world. Every culture has done it, and has been doing it for thousands of years. Remember the cruelty of the British empire. They killed millions just in India. Grow up. And maybe get better at conquering or you will be conquered. China is coming for all of us. Best be ready.

  28. You obviously sold your soul to the CCP already. ⛓

  29. Some days he is American, then a Canadian living in the U.S. and then a Canadian living in Canada. In reality he’s Bob, lives in a a troll cave and is a dirty liar.

  30. Oh my God! The Bob’s are back. Hide your children.

  31. There is only one Bob here.

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