Sagittarius Meme: Here’s Your Delivery

Women’s obsession with horoscopes is one of the great mysteries of modern life. Somehow, they trust a giant flaming ball of gas millions of miles away to decide if today is a good day to buy shoes or dump their boyfriend. Forget expert’s advice or therapy; it’s all about what Mercury is doing this week.

Sagittarius meme.

28 thoughts on “Sagittarius Meme: Here’s Your Delivery”

  1. Typical nonsense answer from a Democrat.

  2. Shut up, you!

  3. Typical nonsense answer from a Republican. All in for esoterics, flat earth, antivaxx and fascism.

  4. As opposed to esoterics, race baiting, tree hugging and fascism from their opposition.

  5. Settle down folks, or I will ask Trump to have a sing along
    once a week.

  6. So do you think Trudope will freeze the bank accounts of the Montreal rioters? Or is he to busy busting his lame moves at children’s concerts

  7. Sorry your country sucks, Americans.

  8. Not as good as your mom sucks, anonymous.

  9. Roger, D1ckless Bravo.

  10. Trump plans to decimate the U.S. military to make it easier for Putin and Xi to divide the country among the two superpowers.

  11. From January 20 on the U.S.A. are no longer known as a superpower, but a superposer.

  12. United States of Banana

  13. Getting her subscribe&save from Adam&Eve…

  14. I was feeling bad about the 25% tariffs Trump might put on Canadian imports. Suddenly I wish it was higher. Wonder why..?

  15. You want to pay more shopping for Canadian goods? Canadians won’t pay the tariffs. The prices in America will just go up. That’s how tariffs work. 🤣

  16. A 25% tariff on Canadian wood will decimate the planking meme industry… 🪵🪓🥺

  17. Guess they won’t buy Canadian goods then. America first!

  18. From nothing comes nothing.

  19. They’ll sort it without us as always. Enjoy the Holidays.

  20. Canada better build a wall.

  21. Please do.

  22. China isn’t going to allow that. They love flooding the US with fentanyl. Revenge for the opium wars. And Socks does whatever China tells him to do. Always has.

  23. The opium war was done by the British. Do your homework, moron.

  24. And the French yes.. but punishing Western Civilization seems to their goal. 3 Flags etc.. We’ll see what the future holds. Not gonna be pretty I’m afraid.

  25. Just admit you f*cked up in history.

  26. I didn’t but my Canadian ancestors sure treated the original inhabitants poorly for sure. There is no country free from these types of things. Humans are gonna human. But we’re getting better.. maybe. No one holds a candle to the human atrocities committed by China though. Gold metal monsters that Government.

  27. As long as it makes money attrocities are freedom.

  28. Guess so

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