It’s Your Fault

We have gathered here because your prayers didn't work.

33 thoughts on “It’s Your Fault”

  1. Prayers never work.

  2. Well, everybody dies one day

  3. What if they hated grampa and prayed for his death?

  4. Because non of you believe in wearing a mask to protect your fellow man.

    Religious people should love their neighbor. WWJD?

  5. More Christian bashing! What a fair and equable site. Your administrators should be so proud of yourselves. I know we are.

  6. Make a meme and post it on your channel/twitter/facebook/whatever. Maybe they will grab and post it. But I guess you are to much of a coward to do it. Just a bigmouth.

  7. Actually they do work. Statistical studies showed a patient is more likely to die when people prayed for him to survive.

  8. Read the 1,200 page two volume heavily annotated work by Dr. Craig Keener documenting hundreds of modern miracle accounts. Be educated, not indoctrinated.

  9. Not a single “miracle” stands up to actual scrutiny.

    You just want a cosmic insurance policy

  10. Believe exactly as I do or your stupid.

  11. Who are ‘we’ ?

  12. Well, Silly, have you read both volumes, or are you just speaking ex pseudocathedra? If you haven’t read them, I can’t take you seriously.

  13. No one will takes you serious once you read them and take them for real.

  14. Believing in deities has always been stupid, true.

  15. Tissue?

  16. It is well known in medicine that there is a wide variation in how patients respond to diseases and to treatment. You want to see a miracle in natural variation. Be educated, not indoctrinated.

  17. The stockings make the lady look like she has 4 knees on each leg. Can’t tell if is liberals or republicans fault, but I’m sure you can.

  18. I see that no one has read Keener’s volumes or others like them. You just believe without direct knowledge. Faith over study. Not acceptable.

  19. The book is a collection of anecdotal evidence on ‘miracles’ by an author lacking medical knowledge.

  20. Anyone thinking there is no medical evidence in the massive collection shows he is utterly ignorant. Read before making a fool of yourself.

  21. An atheist has to try to hold every meticulous report, without exception, is errant or deceptive. Not rational.

  22. “The book is a collection of anecdotal evidence on ‘miracles’ by an author lacking medical knowledge.”
    True. So, as an theological layperson I proclaim there is no god. The evidence is clear as glass. I don’t see any god around us nor do others, except those with a psychological condition.
    Anyone thinking there is evidence in the massive collection of a not present god shows he is utterly ignorant.

  23. “An atheist has to try to hold every meticulous report, without exception, is errant or deceptive. Not rational.”
    Those theists have an easy job. They only have to read one book. And everything in it has to be the truth. Dogma.
    Theology is not science. It’s not based on reality and facts. It’s like we are discussion fruit and deists keep on harrassing everyone with their selfmade fruit shaped balls of goo made out of dead fish.

  24. And if you tell them the book is factually wrong, e.g. that the universe was not created in six days, they tell you the book was not meant to be read like that.

  25. If you know so little about ANE genre and hermeneutics that you are thinking in wooden 6 day creation terms, you truly are ignorant. Far more ignorant than merely not having read Keener, et al. Adrift.

  26. Point proven. We read it the wrong way. Sure.

  27. It’s God fault. He made your brain.

  28. Well, I admit you finally got a point correct. All genres must be read within cultural context. You haven’t.

  29. Wonder how long it will take for vaccine deaths to catch up to the Covid deaths. Not long I’ll bet. That’s the plan anyway.

  30. The example of a wooden 6 days does not make me ignorant: it is what your kind of people believed till science proved them hopelessly wrong. And many of your kind still believe it: they even built a museum in Kentucky to celebrate their lack of knowledge,.

  31. Ha! The magic popping universe guy tries to appeal to science! Rich!

  32. Because that guy can, unlike you.

  33. No. He—and you—are merely so willingly ill informed you try to believe that.

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