Moon Landing Hoax Conspiracy Logic

They used CGI to fake the Moon landing! Well... Have you seen CGI of the past? The Tomb Rider games from 1996, for example?

25 thoughts on “Moon Landing Hoax Conspiracy Logic”

  1. There is no vaccine against stupidity. That’s why it’s spreading. Especialy around morons.

  2. Women sure were buff in 1996.

  3. I do recall that laparotomy was an accepted and common “cure” for many ailments oh so 5 minutes ago.

  4. @Talidomide…
    Hate to be that guy but it’s Lobotomy.

  5. Except the moon landing was in 1969.
    I could see how people might think that was fake, „2001 space odyssey“ premiered just a year prior and was done quite accurately.

  6. And it was never widely accepted. Most doctors rejected the dangerous procedure for good reason. It was the American physician Walter Freeman who would still mutilate patients with this method after the rest of the medical world had already moved on to chemical treatment by psychiatric medication. He wasn’t a trained surgeon and many patients suffered severe side effects. Once again America allowed a charlatan and his cult to roam free and hurt people. A paradise for conmen, psychopaths and religous pied pipers.

  7. Yes, because Kubrik asked NASA how they would do it.

  8. One explanation from the landing hoax believers is that there are no stars in the background of the moon pictures. You can’t get through to them that the light had to be filtered because of the extreme glare of a picture in an airless environment. The same kind of people believe 9/11 and Covid conspiracy theories too but UFO abductions including the no lube probes are real.

  9. Sleepy Joe is made by CGI and doesn’t eciat.

  10. This is fake news, the real D. Trump does not know what CGI stands for, or understand
    what it is to eciat.

  11. A guy could poke an eyeball out plating with those things.

  12. Indeed. How to explain someone how photography works when that someone doesn’t want to know how it works because it would crumble his conspiracy fantasies.

  13. Donald Trump is motion capture. He’s made of orange wax.

  14. The best way to respond when someone says, “The moon landing was faked” is to say, “Oh… So you’re one of those people who believe in the moon.”
    They don’t know how to handle it.

  15. That was film, not CGI.

    But the people who believe the conspiracy probably don’t understand the difference.

  16. Wow Lara Croft must have been cold in that pic. She’s really pointing and could put an eye out with those things.

  17. According to 4chan, space is fake. And the election was stolen. 🤣

  18. Reality is what the television says it is. It doesn’t matter if it makes sense. TV says it so it must be true.

  19. Oh No! I never learned to eciat either.

  20. I’ve got news for you, hoss, conmen, psychopaths and religous pied pipers are worldwide and not just in America.

  21. But the US are a hotspot.

  22. Only for stupid people. You are not smart. You just exchanged the TV for Facebook.

  23. That’s nice. Let’s compare IQ sometime.

  24. Under an aluminum hat any IQ will get cooked and reduced to zero.

  25. I think the op is confusing runtime and offline renderization

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