Multi Level Marketing In a Nutshell

Hi it’s me... the girl who bullied you in high school, has never left her hometown and posts Minion memes all day on Facebook...

45 thoughts on “Multi Level Marketing In a Nutshell”

  1. Hey, remember me? I’m the party that legitimized slavery, lynched blacks, started the KKK, enacted Jim Crow laws, fought for segregation, voted against the Civil Rights Act, and have supported the murder of 40 million black babies over the last 40 years, and implemented a racist criminal justice sysytem.
    Anyway, keep voting for those Democrats or else evil Republicans will make your life even worse than we do.

  2. Before most folks knew better… what’s your excuse for the little fingered fat boy?

  3. “That’s *not* funny!” – every feminist ever

  4. The Republican party freed the slaves in the 1860s. Has it taken this long for Democrats to figure out enslaving people is wrong? Nope. Democrats enslaved them again in the 1960s along with every other race. Remember Hillary Clinton’s mentor, and Joe Biden’s friend Robert C Byrd was a Grand Cyclops in the KKK. I’ll take finger banging over black lives hanging.

  5. OMG. Finally some actual historical facts on this Marxist site. Can’t wait to see all the negative comments on things that are 100% irrefutable truths. Got my popcorn ready…

  6. So why does the GOP refuse the slaves the right to vote? Looks like they are all in for slavery these days.

  7. What does this have to do with feminism? This is about American freaks.

  8. @Foreigner
    If by slaves you mean blacks, have you asked any of the following Republicans why they stop blacks from voting:
    Dr. Ben Carson
    Clarence Thomas
    Alveda King
    Thomas Sowell
    Darrell Scott
    Bruce LeVell
    Larry Elder
    Walter Williams
    Herman Cain
    Allen West
    David Webb
    Candice Owens
    Niger Innis
    Roy Innis
    Alan Keyes
    AlfonZo Rachel
    Erik Rush
    Armstrong Williams
    Jesse Lee Peterson
    J.C. Watts
    Ward Connerly
    Shelby Steele
    Mychal S. Massie
    Ken Blackwell
    Star Parker
    Colin Powell
    Condi Rice

  9. Feminists are freaks

  10. Americans are freaks.

  11. But I asked their voters here. So don’t evade the question.

  12. You hope.
    You hope that every girl that bullied you in high school has never left her hometown, posts Minion memes on facebook all day and sells diet pills, leggings or essential oils.
    The truth is probably different.

  13. That’s how cliches work, buddy.

  14. Land lord, did some white girl beat you up in high school?

  15. GOP and other misogynist groups are celebrating the victory of the Taliban in Afghanistan. This shows why Trump ordered the retreat. GOP wants Afghanistan for all women in America.

  16. @Foreigner
    The GOP ended slavery over 150 years ago. There hasn’t been an actual slave in America since then, so your question is not clearly stated enough TO answer. Either define what you mean by slave or go back to where you came from and be quiet.

  17. Stereotypes exist for a reason.

  18. Wait… now Afghanistan is Trumps fault! 😂🤣. The Left will say anything to protect China Joe. And I mean anything! Yes, Trump ended a 20 year war that needed to end 15 years ago but Biden and Biden alone was in charge of the pull out. Afghanistan 🇦🇫 is Biden’s mess. The Left is 100% responsible for everything that happened. The deaths of 13 soldiers, the drone that killed 9 innocent people.. all of it owned by the Left and will be owned by the Left forever! Just like slavery, Jim Crow, the KKK, antifa, BLM roites, looting, and the violence and murders that occurred in Leftist run cities across the US. In the the words of a great man, “everything that’s woke turns to sh@!”.

  19. For a group of people like commie Democrats who refuse to acknowledge their own agency, the only person NOT reaponsible is them. It’s why they deserve, and get, no respect. Their lack of self-respect demands it

  20. :Americans are freaks:

    Oh nooooo…a bully! Help! Help! where is a safe place?

  21. The poor that will do any work for minimum wage. That work that make the GOP members rich. Because for the rich everyone else is a slave and nothing more. Because in the U.S. the hire and fire principle is nothing else. Back 150 years ago you just hang up your inconvenient slaves. Today you fire them to starve in the streets. You are all slaves. Except when you are already rich. And the rich don’t want you to get rich as well or God forbid political power. That’s why they hate Hollywood for example. Because of rotten morals? Seriously? No, look at those girl trafficking Republicans, including the former president, and you see their morals. They hate Hollywood because it can make the unworthy rich and give them a voice. They hate Silicon Valley because it made some guys in a garage rich and gave them power.

  22. Trump signed the treaty for the retreat from Afghanistan, phoned the front man and called the Taliban great fighters. Well, looks like Trump is responsible.

  23. Just keep biting the hand that feeds you. And by the way, I’ve been to the US many times and no one there gives a hoot 🦉 what others people think of them. They have as much control over what their corrupt Government does behind their backs as the people who live in China or N.Korea or Canada etc.. but hey, you just keep hating on them 24/7. They don’t care.

  24. :and no one there gives a hoot 🦉 what others people think of them.:
    That’s called arrogance. That’s why no one likes the Egomaniac States of ‘Murica. They are the bullies.

  25. The GOP are beginning to take over California to crush the social climbers. The steal has begun. To arms, Californians! Protect your freedom!

  26. They have earned the right to be arrogant. Because America is AWESOME 😎

  27. When Noah had been floating around in the ark for a while he noticed that it was floating lower in the water. He discovered that all the animal dung was weighing it down, So he shovelled it over the side.
    Then in 1492 Columbus rediscovered it,

  28. Noah.. the ark with polar bears etc.. okay simpy

  29. I don’t believe in the story of the ark.
    It was a joke.
    Do you need to make an appointment to see a joke?

  30. Ya it’s so funny to hate on people.

  31. @Foreigner
    I get it now. You don’t understand that the minimum wage is what keeps people poor.
    fraserinstitute . org/article/minimum-wage-increases-wont-solve-poverty

  32. He never said the opposite. That’s the point. No one in his right mind things minimum wage is a solution to fight poverty. It only keeps the masses from rioting.

  33. The rock cried out, “”No hiding place”
    No hiding place down here.

  34. Only in patriotic fantasies.

  35. Good one. :-)

  36. :He never said the opposite. That’s the point. :
    His point was that the pie is fixed, The rich stay rich and the poor stay poor. But that is because he is a communist living in some bureaucratic hell of a country with no understanding of upward mobility. Who is ‘rich’ changes every generation.
    Those who are rich and want to stay rich without doing any real work are those who suck off the taxpayers their entire life as career politicians. Joe Biden, like Nancy Pelosi and her nephew Gavin, is a perfect example. He’s never had a real job in over 40 years. Trump took 1 million grew it into a huge business, went bankrupt and lost most of it, and then rebuilt it again from the ashes of his failures. Joe Biden just keeps raising your taxes when he wants a pay raise.
    If your politicians won’t work for free, like Trump did as POTUS donating his salary to charity, they are your slave masters.
    Returning you to serfdom, like the little slaves you strive to be. All the while castigating the job creating class because you can’t afford your second iPhone and a vacation every 6 month. Useful idiots, the lot of you.

  37. Trump got 2 million from his daddy. He bankrupted others on purpose to make more money. Just don’t pay the bill till they starve to death. And what he lost in his presidency he now takes as donations from his stupid followers. His deals are crap. He is a failure as a honorable businessman and a president.

  38. Lol. Still thinking like we live in the past?

    RIGHT NOW, the GOP is building Jim Crow 2.0. They have the support of the KKK and literal Nazis. They built gitmo where they could torture people. They helped create a racist criminal justice system ( like 3 strikes you’re out) and are fighting criminal justice reform.

    Maybe you should try understanding the present instead of complaining about 40-150 years ago.

  39. Did you forget to take your meds?

    You sure seem obsessed. I guess Biden derangement syndrome is a real thing. 13 Americans? What a tragedy!

    Meanwhile, an average of 700 Americans are dying EVERY DAY of COVID! ( That’s the August average and it’s been going up. ) People could prevent that, by taking a vaccine and wearing a mask, but instead many just talk about Biden and promote a horse dewormer that is making people sterile.

    Seems like the right will say anything to change the topic. Don’t lecture us about American’s dying. You alt-right folks don’t care enough to lift a finger.

  40. Trump made more money acting the role of a businessman than in being a businessman. And he received hundreds of millions from his dad.

  41. :Trump got 2 million from his daddy.:
    Once you meet yours you can ask him for a loan too. Isn’t family great-!!

    :Lol. Still thinking like we live in the past?:
    Still trying to rewrite the past like a good little brown SHIrT?
    Joe Biden created the current racist criminal justice system to protect you from what Hillary Clinton called “super predators” in what Joe feared would become a “racial jungle.”
    Oh and in case you missed it the Nazis haven’t been around since 1945ish.

  42. Did the Rock cry out in pain as it struck you? That’s a rude thing for Mr. Johnson to do.

  43. :I don’t believe in the story of the ark.:
    Are you taking appointments again?

  44. Does no one think of the cell clumps aka alt-right Texans???

  45. Didn’t you know? The bible is true. So must be Grimms’ fairy tales.

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