Love Everyone. No Matter What.

Love everyone. No matter what. But what if they are gay? Yes, even if they ask stupid questions.

17 thoughts on “Love Everyone. No Matter What.”

  1. Nah, jesus preached love to christians only.

  2. Really? They don’t seem to be listening.

  3. Yes! Thanks for bringing back a classic. Good timing for pride week.

    For African Americans, Mexicans, Chinese, LGBTQ, the rich, the poor, the unemployed, it’s love thy neighbor, not judge thy neighbor. Jesus would even say to love the liberals. Here’s to hoping we can all get along. #UnitedWeStand

  4. Jeezus preached to the Jews. He did provide crumbs to non-Jews (the Samaritan woman at the well, the Canaanite woman with the sick daughter), but his teachings were meant for the Jews. There were no Christians around during the time of Jeezus. All 12 Apostles were Jews. Simon “The Rock” Peter still considered himself a Jew after he took over, since he expected anyone who wanted to follow Jeezus had to be circumcised.

  5. What’s the deal? He didn’t say you had to love them physically. 😉

  6. : They don’t seem to be listening.:

    Speaking of no one seems to be listening, let’s see an image of Mohammed saying the same thing.

  7. But but I thought there were no stupid questions. Only stupid answers.

  8. Lots of atheists in the muslim world out there. Fanatics will kill you. No matter if it’s an muslim in Taliban land or a christian in the USA. Lunatics will always kill for their imaginary friends.

  9. Ad Hominem Fallacy- This fallacy occurs when, instead of addressing someone’s argument or position, you irrelevantly attack the person or some aspect of the person who is making the argument. The fallacious attack can also be direct to membership in a group or institution.

    It’s a fallacy (or nonsense argument if you prefer), because it doesn’t matter if a person ( or website) isn’t perfect. The current point they are making could still be valid.

    It’s the go to move for people who don’t have a good way to contradict the logic, so they just go with insults. If you don’t have anything good to say, just change the topic I guess. So common. So sad.

  10. Educated stupid people is the new norm. Sad.

  11. No??
    What am I then going to do with the 10 million litres of lube I just bought…..

  12. Insulting people instead of talking to them is the new norm. So sad.

  13. Yes Donald, it is.

  14. Meanwhile MOHAMMED says KILL THE GAYS.
    Hey, *cool*, eh brain dead Lefties?!?

  15. “Kill the gays.” It’s the same far-right christians say. Oh my. They are the same thing. Always have been.
    No wonder. Same psycho god.

  16. There are no stupid questions, only stupid people.

  17. All of you that say that god is dum you are dumm

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