Liquid Cats That Took Shape of Their Containers

This photo gallery is an indisputable proof that cats are actually liquid. Scroll down to see for yourself!

Proof that all cats are actually liquid.

Proof that all cats are actually liquid.

Proof that all cats are actually liquid.

Proof that all cats are actually liquid.

Proof that all cats are actually liquid.

Proof that all cats are actually liquid.

Proof that all cats are actually liquid.

Proof that all cats are actually liquid.

Proof that all cats are actually liquid.

Proof that all cats are actually liquid.

Proof that all cats are actually liquid.

Proof that all cats are actually liquid.

Proof that all cats are actually liquid.

Proof that all cats are actually liquid.

Proof that all cats are actually liquid.

Proof that all cats are actually liquid.

Proof that all cats are actually liquid.

Proof that all cats are actually liquid.

Proof that all cats are actually liquid.

Proof that all cats are actually liquid.

Proof that all cats are actually liquid.

12 thoughts on “Liquid Cats That Took Shape of Their Containers”

  1. I’d buy item #6, if I knew were to get it.

  2. Pretty sure it’s DIY

  3. preferable to gaseous cats to be sure…. 😸

  4. Brand new content! Wow! *cough*

    On that note, we need more cats!

    Liquid Cats > Liquid Feces > Dogs

    – CatMan

  5. What no pictures of cats in woks or baking trays?

  6. Lol

  7. Some were clearly faked or forced, but all are cute.

  8. phe old 5th gen units :D

  9. Bonsai kittens!
    In my day these were forbidden…

  10. Ever try to force a cat to do something? Yeah, didn’t think so…..

  11. well duh cats are liquid you pour water there owners love to pour a nice glass of cat before dinner lmao

  12. WOWWWW

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