Cats In Hats Made From Their Own Hair

This awkward cat fashion statement is and ongoing project by Japanese photographer Ryo Yamazaki. Truly magnificent, isn’t it?

Cat fur art by Ryo Yamazaki.

Cat fur art by Ryo Yamazaki.

Cat fur art by Ryo Yamazaki.

Cat fur art by Ryo Yamazaki.

Cat fur art by Ryo Yamazaki.

Cat fur art by Ryo Yamazaki.

Cat fur art by Ryo Yamazaki.

Cat fur art by Ryo Yamazaki.

Cat fur art by Ryo Yamazaki.

Cat fur art by Ryo Yamazaki.

Cat fur art by Ryo Yamazaki.

Cat fur art by Ryo Yamazaki.

Cat fur art by Ryo Yamazaki.

Cat fur art by Ryo Yamazaki.

Cat fur art by Ryo Yamazaki.

Cat fur art by Ryo Yamazaki.

Cat fur art by Ryo Yamazaki.

Cat fur art by Ryo Yamazaki.

Cat fur art by Ryo Yamazaki.

Cat fur art by Ryo Yamazaki.

Cat fur art by Ryo Yamazaki.

7 thoughts on “Cats In Hats Made From Their Own Hair”

  1. Wow…. Just… wow.

  2. Which is why they are so hard to cook. Too much preparation

  3. wow… indeed! the patience and dedication and imagination!

  4. Wrt. to styles I’m missing a mitra.

  5. These cats have too much time on their paws. However, they might have a new cottage industry developing on their paws. I’d buy one and don’t have a cat.

  6. Amazing what people come with when they are bored. Cool hat by the way.

  7. Yawn. Show me cat turd sand castles, or yak testicles that look like Jesus. Cat Hair Hats is so COVID 2019.

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