The Best Signs From The Women’s March 2018

26 thoughts on “The Best Signs From The Women’s March 2018”

  1. Damn, these are actually pretty good.

  2. Damn. Trump’s life is over. Who would’ve though libs would complain while offering no solutions?

  3. I totally agree with the last one.

  4. The usual tantrum of the lesser man.

  5. A few of those sighs were damn funny!

    Here’s hoping for Trump 2020 so we can see a few more!

  6. This is supposed to be a women’s march. All I see are a bunch of left wing nut jobs complaining that they didn’t get their own way in the election. How is this empowering? More like embarrassing.

  7. Not a fan of Trump but he got more overweight women walking in one year than Michelle Obama managed in 8…

  8. I agree….

  9. Me too, makes the most sense out of all of them.

  10. the last one is a classic leftwing political statement

  11. zumanga: I saw no tantrum, just truth.

  12. Nothing sacred: ‘Tis true!!

  13. With good healthcare you might have had a chance to let a doctor check your hearing and sight. But… so sad.

  14. Right-winged women are not allowed to leave the house without permission of their husbands. Right-winged americans and muslims are quite similar.

  15. Not many overweight women in those photos.

  16. In which way is the BFI relevant when it comes to your political opinion?

  17. No, it’s clearly a graphic illustration of the 6th amendment which protects the right to a fair and speedy public trial by jury, including the rights to be notified of the accusations, to confront the accuser, to obtain witnesses and to retain counsel. Don’t you love the sacred rights of the american constitution you unpatriotic fool!

  18. I’ve been triggered.

  19. You’re a white male!

  20. RWNJs/MRAs are always being triggered – that’s why they like using the word so much. It’s like a security blankie.

  21. @T, they really are. They’re the ones who are always insisting that scantily clad women deserve whatever happens to them. It’s like they think that women should be wearing burkas.

  22. You are the best people.
    I looove…. EATLIVER!

  23. libtards all off them

  24. true

  25. But I bet they are literate, unlike you.

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