Sensual Dudeoir Photo Shoot You’ll Probably Want To Unsee

What’s a “dudeoir” photo shoot? It’s essentially a boudoir shoot for men. These brilliant photos have been taken by Tami Bears who usually specializes in wedding photos and boudoir photography for women. This time however she decided to apply the techniques she uses when taking photos of women to her good friend Joshua Varozza.

The best sensual male photoshoot ever.

The best sensual male photoshoot ever.

The best sensual male photoshoot ever.

The best sensual male photoshoot ever.

The best sensual male photoshoot ever.

The best sensual male photoshoot ever.

The best sensual male photoshoot ever.

The best sensual male photoshoot ever.

The best sensual male photoshoot ever.

The best sensual male photoshoot ever.

The best sensual male photoshoot ever.

The best sensual male photoshoot ever.

The best sensual male photoshoot ever.

The best sensual male photoshoot ever.

The best sensual male photoshoot ever.

The best sensual male photoshoot ever.

The best sensual male photoshoot ever.

The best sensual male photoshoot ever.

The best sensual male photoshoot ever.

The best sensual male photoshoot ever.

The best sensual male photoshoot ever.

The best sensual male photoshoot ever.

23 thoughts on “Sensual Dudeoir Photo Shoot You’ll Probably Want To Unsee”

  1. Br proud America this is how the world sees you, fat and dumb

  2. Stop using our internet, and stop flying, and return all that high tech your using.

    Thank US very much.

  3. “MAGA”

  4. 1. Nothing wrong with this guy representing America – seems like a cool dude. I’d love to have a beer with him and talk about cars and bikes.
    2. The silliness of the positions and clothes is EXACTLY the point of the photo-shoot – to show how silly this looks regardless if the person is male or female. Same for makeup, designer clothes, all kinds of “bling”… Women look ridiculous when they are fat and ugly but try to “look pretty”. If you are beautiful, you don’t need anything else.

  5. Wow, first off I thought this guy was going to try to explain the obvious only for him to miss the point.

    I guess he didn’t read the intro or perhaps thinks the photographer is having a crisis of conscience.

  6. You left out racist and retarded.

  7. It’s a thing. Look it up. There are series of photos on the Net, of big and/or hairy and/or fat men posing like pinup girls. Trying to imitate the vacuous women on social media. The Duck Face. The squeezed tits. The plucked and painted eyebrows. It looks ridiculous. That’s what these photo-shoots are about.

  8. I think it’s hilarious! He seems like a real laugh. I’d go for a drink with him any time!

  9. Oh the huge manatee

  10. Difference between this guy and bodypositive SJW’s is that the latter think they look good posing like him.

  11. Sexy

  12. Most of your high tech was stolen from foreigners. United States of Patent Theft.

  13. People: “Let’s chuckle at these funny pictures.”


    Fun guy to have around.

  14. :)

  15. Read the post Jack. You must be new here if you think this kind of thing is unknown to anyone who frequents the site.What you haven’t realised is that you jumped to a conclusion regarding this post without reading the text and have thus made a fool of yourself.

  16. What so weird about it? I think it’s very American

  17. No one:

    The Comment-People: “Let’s talk about my issue with the world, because I can’t figure out why the fleshy white man are doing these weird photograps.

    Replies: “Read the text”

    CatMan: Cats > Dogs

    Best Regards, Mayor Flatus

  18. Fake and gay…

  19. I love this and want to see more. I mean, really when I ask for equality, it means I want to see MORE (mostly) NEKKID DUDES!
    Y’all go back to your bikini models and let “normal” men show us what they got.

  20. I just don’t understand why people bother to leave really shitty comments about people who are creative, girls and guys who do HAVE a sense of humour. You really want to be grateful that these people are sharing this content, and all most people do is whinge about it. Why don’t you try and do something creative funny off beat and bring a slightly different perspective to this world…..You cant because you have no imagination all you have is bitterness and are so embroiled in this bitterness you can not see something humorous….You have no respect for somebody being creative(with a sense of humour) all you can do is criticize …. pathetic all of you you should be ashamed…….

  21. Except this amazing thing you’re currenrly crying on called the internet. Or the computer or smartphone you’re using to browse it on. You’re welcome.

  22. “Women look ridiculous when they are fat and ugly but try to “look pretty.” Excuse me sir?

  23. They are funny photos. Well done that man 😂😂

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