He’s Not Discriminating

He's no discriminating.

9 thoughts on “He’s Not Discriminating”

  1. Only full HD?
    I prefer 5K 360 degree 3D VR

  2. Personaly I prefer to watch them in my hot tub, and then the couch, and then my bed, and also in my shower. Basically where ever the lesbians want to ‘relationship’ in my house is fine with me. I’m not picky.

  3. Ankle Monitors limit what I can view anywhere.

  4. Who’s the chick? She looks hot, in a bitchy kind of way.

  5. If I can come over to your house to view said relationshipping too, I won’t be picky either.
    If not, I will be.

  6. You do realise that’s actually a man?

  7. As a Lesbian, I can say that your all acting like little boys. Besides, statistically most lesbians are over weight alcoholics. The US even did a study to find out why. Google it. I myself am hotter then a popcorn fart as are my many lovers.

  8. You admittedly don’t have the genitals to speak for little boys much less men.
    Lesbians do have higher rates of domestic violence though.
    So when exactly DID you stop beating your wife?

  9. guess what b tv stands for.

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