What high paying tech jobs will you be picking up now that DEI woke is gone? What will you buy with your first salary? Let us know in the comments!
Here’s a life hack for your new career: wear this hat to work. You can get it on Amazon – the place where all true patriots shop. Please note that our site is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.
A shirt with sleeves.
Yeah. You should get right on that.
People still sporting mullets these days?
Airborne Ranger here I come!!!
Another amazon shill?
Yup and without migrnts you can finally get that job as a line cook or picking veggies.
or zookeeper and experience first-hand the amount of shit elephants can create.
Typical Floriduh ape.
I got one of those high-paying tech jobs fixing multimillion dollar pieces of equipment that is used to make integrated circuits in Cleanrooms, with a two-year trade school course. I got paid more than a lot of engineers. The company I worked for then sent me to many other equipment schools all over the U.S. to the manufacturers of that equipment. They each had their own one or two week course on how to maintain their equipment that we were using. I invested in the stock market and became a millionaire by investing in tech stocks because I knew tech inside-out. All that without a college degree and never going into debt. I retired early. I never regret not paying tens of thousands for a Gender Studies or Art History degree.
We only hire H1B’s who are from the noble families of Ethiopia, we also hire north Indians, they are cheaper then Amerikans. They are also blacker than Amerikan blacks and can pass as an Amerikan black. They also can do math almost as good as an Asian which is an added boneass. We have a scientific way to test DEI ESG H1B eligibility, you say there name out loud and if the furniture levitates we hire them.
Color blind merit based hiring is the only non racist way to operate a business or a country. Period. This is common sense. Unless you’re a racist. You can’t use racism to fight racism.
Those poor saps got the same load of crap out of both sides.
With the annoying orange, it was this. With Dems it was, we’re eliminating your dirty job, like coal mining, but we’ll be replacing it with a high tech high paying green job.
The American Dream all too often ends with a rude awakening.
The illegals that came over the boarder are not like the ones in the past who worked. They are welfare cases. Why work if you get just as much, if not more to sit on your a$$.
They protest deportations while waving the flag of the country they fled from and burn the US flag. F@#k these people, send them back.
Let Selina Gomez house a few truckloads of military age west Africans and Chinese men. She has the room and the money.
Sure. 👌
So all those roofers, cement workers, chicken butchers,, maids, vegetable pickers, landscapers etc. came her in the past? How long ago was the past to you. Longer ago than yesterdays Trump Tweet, Faux News tirade or Steven Miller Stormfront posting?
Now this dude is THEE stereotype of the typical American
red neck. Fu#$&en grease ball.
Never get tired of the REEEEEEEE! from the Left. Support for the Left is dwindling fast for this very reason. They are doubling down on stupid. America first, Reeee. Waste, fraud and abuse of taxpayer money ended, Reeee. Stopping racist DEI programs, Reeee. Deport expensive, violent criminal illegal invaders, Reeee. Every fake outrage costs the Left more votes. Keep it up! 2026 elections are coming and people will remember. I just wish we had these policies here. Maybe post Trudeau… but I somehow doubt it.
Always the same blah. You are boring.
Trump has victory after victory. The leftards are just used to weak leaders who promise and don’t deliver. They are fine with the US supporting almost every other country and getting spit on in return. Sure we’ll send money to Hamas, sure we’ll police the world’s oceans, pay for all the world’s organizations (NATO, UN, WHO etc. not to mention the Panama Canal and more) and send our military to defend everyone. Not any more. All the leftard politicians screaming right now are nervous, not for the US but for themselves and the corruption they’ve been profiting from.
The weakness is over. You should be happy.
I can tell you one thing for sure. If your 3 year old needed a tumor removed from their brain, I’m sure you would want every person in that operating room to be a DEI hire and not the most qualified people for their jobs.
Oh, you’d rather your child live instead of dying with equity? You racist monster.
Dictator Don the MAGAnificent,
Is that all you think Mexican’s can do? A bit racist, no?
I hope a wheelchair bound, trans person that weighs 400 pounds at 4 foot tall is the one sent up a ladder to rescue you in a fire. You know, for equity.
Trump sure can entertain. Best part is it is different each day.
He should be nominated for an Academy Award or a Oscar at
the very least.
Ok bots
you know this days is very difficult to very person because Inflation is very high soo every peson disappointed soo you i have many creative ideas to work from home
you know this days is very difficult to very person because Inflation is very high soo every peson disappointed soo you i have many creative ideas
to work from home➤ payriche.com
Stop repeating yourself Glenda.
For 4 years Biden, or more accurately Biden’s mystery people, said they were just unable to stop the 10 to 15 million illegals from entering the US. Just can’t do it.. it would be impossible.. Then Trumps comes in and stops most of it in less then 2 weeks. And now because of him the Americans are learning that THEY were paying for the influx themselves through USAID and NGO’s. The corruption being uncovered is off the charts. And the Democrats are losing their minds because their illegal slush fund has been cut off and many of them are going to jail. Also I don’t remember the Left screaming when Biden illegally fired 10’s of thousands of Federal workers and military personnel for refusing to take an untested experimental drug that we now know was all BS. All those people were able to return to work with back pay. And that happened when Brain dead Biden was still President. But Trump Over 30 million people have changed their political affiliation from Democrat to Independent or unaffiliated. Some even to Republican. Yet people on here STILL support these people. Out of touch loons.
Idiots are fixated in the migration show while Trump and his goons take their freedom and money. Classic.
That high paying tech job may need you to move to silicon value. Likely you won’t like the dating scene there…
esp. not in the hay bars (Gary Larson pun intended).
How exactly is Trump taking your freedom and money?
Cutting useless waste?
Stop giving a ridiculous amount of attention to less than 1% of the people because they’ve been transed?
Preserving truth in media and the first amendment?
Actually doing things and insisting on results?
Dictators goals:
– control or dismantle free press
– control or dismantle justice system
– centralize government for better control
– take revenge on your “enemies”
– oppress minorities and use them as scapegoats
You will maybe change your mind when you or someone in your family is identified as a minority scapegoat by president Musk.
Democrats (not the party) will protect minorities.
What’s true in many countries where the silent masses are now supporting right.-wing parties: they were ignored for centuries by both political and economic elites.
Otherwise, braise for war asn this is where the USA is headed at.
“Preserving truth in media”. LOL.
“Anonymous February 7, 2025
“Preserving truth in media”. LOL.”
See recent developments with USAID, not to mention the obliteration of, and massive lawsuits recently won against the “news” outlets for pushing false agendas against the right. Didn’t you ever think it was funny that all the left leaning media outlets would regurgitate the same phrases on the same day and time as their comrades.
The transparency is terrifying the left. Why?
When corruption is being exposed and certain people are demanding it needs to stop, perhaps they are afraid.
Let me guess. You think AOC is smart and still maintain that Biden was mentally fit to tie his own shoes for the past 5 years.
“The transparency is terrifying the left. Why?”
You got that wrong. It’s terrifying to all U.S. administrations. The Trump administration included. What you see is not the truth. What you hear is not the truth. What you believe it not the truth.
We are not Americans. Americans are extremely happy with Trumps first 2 weeks in office. So let them be. After 4 years of retarded governance they actually have an energetic leader who puts them first. Don’t get why thats such a bad thing. It’s none of our business. Worry about your OWN countries for once.
If they are so happy why are there protests with thousands of people in all states? That’s Trump propaganda. Even his voters aren’t happy.
And eggs are still not affordable for many Americans. All Trump brings them are living conditions like in a Soviet republic. 😂
“Well… February 7, 2025
“The transparency is terrifying the left. Why?”
You got that wrong. It’s terrifying to all U.S. administrations. The Trump administration included. What you see is not the truth. What you hear is not the truth. What you believe it not the truth.”
While I always treated what the people were told with a certain level of skepticism, I’m glad that you’re here to tell us the truth. I can’t wait to see what wasted tax money Trump has been spending the past 4 years.
More Americans than ever are know packing a gun. Why?
Because if they bump into Trump they’ll have a great opportunity
to become a historical figure.
You have to love how the left calls Trump a dictator and fascists and then list all the things they’ve done as examples.