Liberal College Girl Logic (The Best Of)

Featured in this post is a selection of the funniest entries to liberal college girl meme. Enjoy and try not to murder each other in comments.

Typical liberal college girl logic.

Typical liberal college girl logic.

Typical liberal college girl logic.

Typical liberal college girl logic.

Typical liberal college girl logic.

Typical liberal college girl logic.

Typical liberal college girl logic.

Typical liberal college girl logic.

Typical liberal college girl logic.

Typical liberal college girl logic.

Typical liberal college girl logic.

Typical liberal college girl logic.

Typical liberal college girl logic.

Typical liberal college girl logic.

Typical liberal college girl logic.

Typical liberal college girl logic.

Typical liberal college girl logic.

Typical liberal college girl logic.

Typical liberal college girl logic.

Typical liberal college girl logic.

Typical liberal college girl logic.

38 thoughts on “Liberal College Girl Logic (The Best Of)”

  1. If you want to kill all liberal college girls just say so and spare us your really bad memes.

  2. How many of them hit you in the feels?

  3. Until about 20 years ago, that degree was plenty for having a good job. Any college degree was great. People majored in English, history, etc. and employers saw that it showed that they were smart and worked hard.

    Now, everybody is expected to have a college degree and it doesn’t mean as much anymore.

  4. Facebook is getting real good at censoring 4chan and Gab memes, so please realize no one wants to kill you, really, and you can emerge from your safe space.

  5. Actually someone with “no degree” would fare better with me in an interview than someone with a 4 year degree in Feminist Studies, Political Science or Bible.

  6. None hits. I’m not a a college girl nor a girl at all. But I know why such memes are made. It’s the first step of propaganda. The last are concentration camps and ovens. We’ve seen this before.

  7. @Jorgo Problem since the rise of the far uneducated right is that being an intellectual is seen as a stigma. The far right always feared education and moral codes. Same always happened in dictatorships. Look at national-socialism and communism. First the intellectual had to go. Because they are an obstacle and make a great scapegoat for the “common folk”.

  8. Few are pointy. I do not see any propaganda – only facts about inconsistent people whose speech differs a lot from deeds.

  9. But such people are found in each and every group.

  10. That’s a girl?

  11. Hairy Potter

  12. @Dat Congratulations on winning the Asinine Comment of the Day Award.

  13. @Dat A 4 year degree in Feminist Studies, Political Science or Bible isn’t really education. It’s pretty much worthless knowledge in the real world, so get of your delusional high horse.

  14. You might say that. But you might not know that. Same was said about many disciplines before they became important. You can never be sure.

  15. I’m still right, though. History speaks for itself. And the rules don’t change. Only the scale may vary.

  16. you envy her jawline right?

  17. @Dat sucks
    Says someone who does not know how to hit the reply button.

  18. Rapeublicans are really scared of young women.
    They are using AOC to scare the poop out of Fox watchers now…

  19. The right are so anti-education they built their own set of schools, typically built by churches, as an alternate to the poor performance of public schools. Even after paying taxes to a public system those parents would prefer to pay extra at their own expense to send their kids to these schools in return for better scores, student and parental involvement and better discipline.

    On the other hand, public school teachers and their unions have fought against teacher evaluations, student graduation testing and school vouchers. Students who graduate, especially in large liberal centers, score lower than their peers…if they graduate at all. So who hates education more?

  20. Have you seen the cost of her green goose egg? That should scare both sides. But it’s a good thing her supporters are so clueless now so when they finally do start working and paying taxes they might realize what a disaster it would become.

    But the scary part are the ones who will still want it to happen.

  21. Nazis had their own elite schools too. You just confirmed Dat’s arguments.

  22. Of course republicans are afraid of young, confident women. You can’t just grab them by the pu**y without risking legal action instead of just a slap in the face. Bad times for perverted troglodytes.

    You are so right. Stalin, while in grade school sent a mean tweet to his sister, the next you know he is driving tanks into Czechoslovakia.

  24. @Anonymous
    Fox men are asking if she is a D and is perky.
    Don’t overthink this.

  25. Fox… news…

  26. lol, not even close. But nice try.

    You and Dat sure love to try to make the right the scapegoat for everything wrong with the world while blithely ignoring the left’s very and disturbingly similar conduct.

  27. Seems accurate

  28. Yes, we fu**ed up the planet and all mankind since the stone age. Not sorry.

  29. Warning D perky may have armpit hair, so Fox men may have added “kink” attraction.

    Regardless, some of the best times in my college days were hanging with chicks like this, for instance when one of them walked me into their basement grow room…the rest is a hazy dream.

  30. Armpit hair is natural, you know. God made women that way.

  31. Joke needs a character. “Each and every group” does not count.

  32. I’m with ‘OMG Boring’.

    I see already that there have already been people ascribing Amer Dem/Rep politics to this, as if this is the be-all and end-all of political discourse. These are all stupid charactures, ones that I’d be able to find on a site mocking ‘rednecks’. They appeal to stereotypes that do not exist and serve only to divide people.

    The sad thing is that at the moment this us-vs-them ideology seems to gain more interest than achieving consensus and addressing some of the problem inherent in 21c capitalist society.

    In conclusion, you’re all gay. /s

  33. So true.

  34. Aww did your feewing get hurt?

  35. It’s quite amusing that Dat and Haha are so incredibly ignorant of history that they think the right is who killed the intellectuals. Go find an encyclopedia (where you can get real information, not slanted propaganda) and look up Chinese Cultural Revolution and the Great Purge, both of which were carried out by leftists.

    “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

    -G Santayana

  36. Respects all religions…….yet if she does, the christian-right takes this to mean she is saveable and will relentlessly keep trying, wears her down…….

  37. Actually, for real, the person in that photo is a dude.

  38. Her hair looks so gross!

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