Same Color as Her Shoes

14 thoughts on “Same Color as Her Shoes”

  1. Someone please pass me the eye bleach.

  2. Freaky hideous… Purple and orange reminds me of Batman’s Joker. This looks like a man.

  3. Gentlemen, lets broaden our minds – Lawrence…
    Awsome, an old hag sitting like shitting in the snow, dressed and makeup’ed like a teenager to her first home alone party. Yeaarck…

  4. Her belt and fingernails are horrible, too.

  5. I would like to see what she looked like about 30 years before this picture . . .

  6. Surely you meant to say “…what he looked like about 30 years before this picture…” ;)

  7. OMG! That is disturbing to look at! How could she even think for one second that she looks like anything other than a bag of poop?! She is a “Butter Face,” everything looks pretty good ‘but her face!!

  8. Orange you glad… Nah, too easy.

  9. I like the crypt keeper’s hand on her left arm, looks like he’s trying to put her back to wherever she crawled out from

  10. At 12 the magic will fade and she’ll look like the old hag she is… oh wait, she already does… please come soon crypt keeper!

  11. Shoes are made of same material as her face.

  12. Looks more like Spiderman in drag.

  13. looks like a tranny

  14. almost the same color as her shoes

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