Ground Meat Sculptures: The Truest Form of Art

Ground meat sculptures really is the truest form of art. It’s a bold statement, but it’s true. There’s just something about the way that raw ground beef can be molded and shaped into a masterpiece that speaks to the deepest layers of soul. It’s like a blank canvas just waiting to be transformed into something beautiful (and delicious). And the best part is, you don’t need any fancy tools or expensive materials to make it happen – just some ground beef, a little bit of creativity, and your two hands. Scroll down to see the finest examples!

Beautiful meat art.

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Ready For The Worst Chess Pun Ever?

The best puns are the ones that are so bad that they’re actually good. A pun is like a contest to see who can come up with the most groan-worthy pun possible, and the winner is whoever makes everyone else roll their eyes the hardest. This chess pun is a strong contender for the worst chess pun ever.

The best puns are the ones that are so bad that they're actually good. This chess pun is a strong contender for the worst chess pun ever.

Did Jesus Really Died For Our Sins?

It’s Ok if you sin. After all, Jesus didn’t gave up his weekend for nothing. So go get out there and do whatever you want! P.S. “WhY DoN’t YoU MaKe FUn oF OtheR RelIgIonS?!” comment incoming in 3… 2… 1…

Jesus died for our sins. Ok, but he didn't STAY dead, right? So what exactly did he sacrifice? Jesus gave up his weekend for our sins.

Can You Guess What’s For Dinner Tonight?

Being a sarcastic a-hole is the ultimate parenting approach – it’s like a superpower that allows you to simultaneously entertain yourself and educate your children. Please keep visiting this site for more parenting tips and tricks!

What are you making for dinner? Why, sweetie, I'm making whatever the hell I want served with a side of eat it or starve.

An Actual Deleted Scene From Rocky (1976)

This movie came out so long ago that you probably think that you already know everything there’s to know about it. But you would be wrong. The dialogue “Why don’t boxers have sex before a big fight? They don’t like each other.” really did happen. The proof is right here!

Why don't boxers have sex before a big fight? They don't like each other.

How Healthy Eating Usually Happens In Reality

Trying to eat healthy is like trying to run a marathon – it sounds like an awesome idea at first, but then you realize just how much effort it’s going to take. You start off with the best of intentions, stocking up on all sorts of fresh fruits and veggies at the grocery store. But then life happens, and before you know it, those healthy foods are getting shoved to the back of the fridge, forgotten, neglected, and rotting away…

Heyyyy... Wanna come home with me and die in the back of my fridge?

Flirting Tip: How To Respond To a Compliment

It may be confusing to receive a compliment. Especially if you’re a guy, and that doesn’t happen often. Here’s a flirting tip. Step 1: say thanks. Step 2: state something painfully obvious so the girl thinks that you have a learning disability. Ladies love that. You’re welcome.

You smell so great! Thank you. I use both nostrils.