Bad News, Your X-Ray Doesn’t Look Good

You are not a person, you are a brain. You just control the meat suit. An inside you is a terrifying skeleton. Your teeth is the only part of it that’s exposed to the outside world. Each time you brush your teeth, you are actually brushing your scary skeleton. Think about it.

It's exactly what I was afraid of. What? Skeletons.

Pilot Meme: Overcoming Your Biggest Fear

Well, well, well, if it isn’t our favorite topic: dark humor. Some internet warriors might think it’s inappropriate, but those people are just a bunch of uptight prudes who can’t handle a little joke. If you can’t laugh at a good crushing plane joke, what’s the point of even having a sense of humor?

Why did you wanna be a pilot? To overcome my biggest fear. Heights? Dying alone.

Forget Everything You Learned In College

Here’s how to land a good job: got college, then apply for a job, then forget everything you learned in college to perform well at said job, then keep working yourself to the death because you have to repay student debt. Makes sense, right?

Forget everything you learned in college, you won't need it here. But I didn't go to college. Well then, you're unqualified for this job.

Existential Crisis Duck Night Lamp

Do you suffer from inability to fall asleep each night because an existential dread overwhelms you? Inflation, wars, the fact that Donald Trump exists… The world around you is full of dangers and problems.Is that’s all there is to life? Just chores and worries until the day we die? It’s a feeling many of us can relate to, and it’s probably an origin story behind existential crisis duck night lamp. It’s a funny lamp with a silicone body which feels soft to the touch and gives out a warm glow which will turn off automatically after 30 minutes so you can drift off peacefully.

Existential crisis duck night lamp.

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Which Doctor: The Greatest Dadjoke Ever Or What?

You know you love this which doctor dadjoke. Don’t try to deny it. It’s no just great, it’s the best ever. Your week was going to shit, but this joke turned it around, and now you’re happy and in amazing mood. You’re welcome! Please come back tomorrow for more.

You know you love this which doctor dadjoke. Don't try to deny it.

Good News First Or Bad News First?

Before going to a doctor for an answer regarding your health, it’s always important to decide beforehand if you want to hear good news or bad news first. I usually choose good news first. Just like this sick bastard.

Before going to a doctor for an answer regarding your health, it's always important to decide beforehand if you want to hear good news or bad news first.

This Is Choriaster: The World’s Sexiest Starfish

Meet the Choriaster starfish. It’s like a creature from the outer space took a vacation on Earth and decided to disguise itself as a sea creature with five d*cks. With its long, spindly arms and brightly colored skin, the Choriaster starfish looks like it belongs in an adult sci-fi movie. It shouldn’t be called Choriaster at all –  “c*cktopus” or “pentad*ck” is a much more suitable name.

Choriaster: the world's sexiest starfish.

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