Mighty Russian Police

24 thoughts on “Mighty Russian Police”

  1. It would be perfect if the tall guy in the last picture change his jacket with the small guy next to him. His jacket is way too wide….

  2. i love russia

  3. I am afraid both jackets are the same size… It’s an illusion.

  4. I understand why some people hold the opinion that if it wasn’t for that harsh winter in 1942/43 nazi germany would have overrun russia… same fate like Napoleons army. Both driven from the field by extraordinary winters.

  5. These pics have inspired me, I’m off to write a Russian version of Police Squad! Starring Lesnik Nielsonovich as Lt Frank Dreblinski.

  6. This is a joke, right?

  7. Nope, it’s not a joke. It’s evidence of how long it takes for a nation to recover from communism/socialism.

  8. True, 20 yrs is not enough..

  9. i <3 putin

  10. I hate to break this to you, but these fellows think they are superior to you and me.

  11. Don’t even get me started with American ones..

  12. standard jackets-all guys should be of this size!

  13. Is the blond babe with the DADD shirt Russian police too?

  14. The pic with the one trying to light the wiener is my new screen saver.

  15. Spoken like a true Westerner. There is no recovery.
    If anything, there is regression – things are so bad over there, the people are actually full of nostalgia for the olden days. Which is actually one of the things Putin is playing off of in his public addresses .

  16. This same series could be made with specially chosen US police and the results would be just as funny.

  17. word

  18. At least they don’t go out killing innocent people out in Moskow.

  19. Oh dear. Those uniforms are flattering to NOBODY.

  20. We have same shit here.
    just look around

  21. FYI. Actually spme of them are Ukranian policemen, the uniform is mostly identical. But in some pictures one can see that the letters and emblems are not russian.

  22. Both Napoleon and Hitler would meet the same fate, with or without winter. It would just take more time. Believe me, i was in Russia two times.

  23. I hate to break *this* to you but we actually don’t give a sh#t just about anything… least of all who the fok you are and how you compare to us. Grow up

  24. LMAO the pic with a cop with his girlfriend sitting on one side of the bench and 2 cops sitting in the other side of the bench is hilarious

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