When Classic Comic Books Meet Modern Love…

Featured below are creations by artist and provocateur Peter Nidzgorski. He asks his followers to suggest sentences or quotes which he then adds to a specific classic comic book panel. His theme is modern love. Or rather a satirical take on the shallow, fickle, empty sex, selfie-obsessed and self-destructive nature of modern love, which is probably something most people can relate to.

Our what?

Classic comic book combined with modern love...

Classic comic book combined with modern love...

Wasting my life is taking forever!

Classic comic book combined with modern love...

Classic comic book combined with modern love...

Classic comic book combined with modern love...

Classic comic book combined with modern love...

Classic comic book combined with modern love...

Classic comic book combined with modern love...

Classic comic book combined with modern love...

Classic comic book combined with modern love...

Classic comic book combined with modern love...

Classic comic book combined with modern love...

Classic comic book combined with modern love...

Classic comic book combined with modern love...

Classic comic book combined with modern love...

Classic comic book combined with modern love...

Classic comic book combined with modern love...

Classic comic book combined with modern love...

13 thoughts on “When Classic Comic Books Meet Modern Love…”

  1. If this is a humor site, why am I crying?

  2. Wish I could give you an upvote for that comment.

  3. Get new names, both of you.

  4. Whit people problems.

  5. The guy in the first panel is dating a woman from the waist up!

  6. Yes, the poor dear was involved in a terrible car accident that cut her in half. Now, she’s half the woman she was. (teehee – that was a cute joke)

  7. That guy will never be more than half in love. Hope he doesn’t feel short changed.

  8. Because black people don’t experience love, or just because you want to see discrimination everywhere?

  9. No legs to get in the way or kick you with. She’s nearly perfect!

  10. They own a convience mart, the sign says “Milk sold by the half gal”.

  11. Because you can’t spell ‘humour’…?

  12. Your’s isn’t exactly show-stopping…

  13. I’ve always wondered about mermaids … I mean … what do they have down there that I might be interested in? Fillets?

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