Liberal Logic

33 thoughts on “Liberal Logic”

  1. No, eatliver.
    If you shoot a human, you shouldn’t have had access to a gun.
    Try repeating a few times, maybe you’ll get it.

  2. United States, the only place in the world where logic does not always apply to thought.

  3. And by that I mean guns are OK.

  4. Would you like to qualify that?
    What if you’re doing your duty as a policeman?
    What if you’re properly licensed and you are defending yourself or another innocent?
    Repeat this question to yourself as long as you need to.

  5. yes we get on fine without guns and US Americans really should think long and hard about how that just might be doable. The posting here on E/L btw is a bit suckful. If you kill someone, then that doesn’t necessarily invoke the charge of ‘evildoer’. If you kill animals for ‘sport’ (and not to eat), then you may be an evildoer, but more likely a childlike retard.

  6. No, if you kill animals for “sport”, you are, in fact, evil, and generally a hypocrite. I have asked every idiot who went on an “if you eat, you need to know where your food comes from and how it’s produced” if they would like me to teach them to make a shirt and a pair of pants. They all wear clothes but not one has had the slightest interest in learning how to sew.

  7. How ’bout running over a bunch of people with a truck – like in Nice, France? You libtards OK with that?

  8. Nothing wrong with killing vermin like RATS.

  9. Nothing wrong with wiping out plagues.

  10. Attn: Libtards. Gun ownership is legal in Canada, yet you never beyatch about them having guns. Why is that?

  11. Because we’re, on the whole, not crazy. It’s acceptable for sane, reasonable people to have access to weaponry, and shouldn’t be so for the UnStAble.

  12. ooh, burn.

  13. Dear Liver.
    You should stick to stealing material from other sites (like sadanduseless). This right propaganda is just pathetic. So… good night and good luck.
    Your ex-reader.

  14. Your only hear to look at the big bustee girls in the tee’s ads anyway, you can still look no one will know.

  15. Well, Steve. What about the attacker not having a firing arm? There wouldn’t be any need to shoot him or her, right. A taser, for instance, would do and the culprit could be confronted with a fair trial. As soon as someone is shot dead the public will never know whether or not he or she actually was the offender in the first place.

  16. Whilst I don’t know what a libtard is, I haven’t come across one single person, no matter what political camp they think they are in, who was or would be fine with something like that. Wanna ban trucks? Well, how about finding out how many people get killed by fire arms in, say the USA on an annual basis and how many are killed by terrorist driven trucks say in Europe?

  17. Odd, no seems to mention all the weaponry in the Middle East.

  18. Seems the canucks can handle their guns a lot better than you ‘murricans.

  19. That’s because, according to the Euros and Canucks, all of the crazies are in the US.

  20. Well, let’s see, in 2016 a crazy ba^%$rd in France used a truck to kill 86 people. In 2016 a crazy ba^%$rd in Germany killed twelve with a truck. So, by your logic, Europe should outlaw trucks because Euros are too unstable to have access to them. In 2014 a crazy ba^%$rd in China used a knife to kill 29 at a train station. In 2010 a crazy ba^%$rd in China killed eight children with a knife. And just two months ago another crazy ba^%$rd in China used a knife to attack 11 KINDERGARTEN students. So, by your logic, China should outlaw knives because Chinese are too unstable to have access to knives.

  21. The US has ten time the population of Canada but 50 times the number of gun deaths. You people and your guns are fucking crazy. Also your cars (Lizzie Grubman), sweatpants (Jimmy Hackley), and lamps (Bryant Willerson).

  22. Switzerland has loads of guns, and the Swiss don’t kill many people, because they tend not to shoot people unless under extreme pressure. However, in the US, people see things differently.

  23. In US we shoot for the kick. The good feeling of killing.

  24. Who is evil if an animal shoots tou with a gun>?

  25. @ animal and anteater
    You know what kind of criminal is a good criminal???
    That’s right, a DEAD criminal!!!

  26. Guns are great.
    That’s why America is #1

  27. Anteater – just continue to import the Syrian “refugees” and you’ll find a lot of people that are okay with running over people with a truck.
    and by the way, where exactly have you been the last 16+ years?

  28. hey Faker
    the only good vermin is a dead one. and that feels pretty good, killing a vermin.
    Call the good ole U.S. of A next time you need some vermin killin’.
    Know what I’m sayin?

  29. Comparing the Canucks to the USA is a fools errand.
    Cuz there’s like 1 Canuck to every 100 ‘Muricans. And about 1/3 of those Canucks speak French.

  30. I don’t wanna live on this planet anymore

  31. Liberal logic: We support llegal immigrants who come over our borders with illegal guns, AIDS and drugs, but we want more federal funding for gun control, AIDS and drugs.

    Conservative logic: We oppose people who can’t follow our immigration laws and come over our border with guns and drugs, build that wall and STOP ENTITLMENTS FOR ILLEGAL ALIENS>

  32. The defence argument is gibberish. If guns aren’t common in society it becomes difficult for bad guys to get them. The vastly larger number of gun deaths in countries where they’ve yet to realise this, proves it.


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