32 thoughts on “Free Thinking”

  1. Worshipping stars makes you read a lot?

  2. Cue the religious butthurt in three, two, one…

  3. Religion obstructs the view of the reality.

  4. That’s sexist.

  5. People hinge to religion, because they cannot cope with the reality that we live in a completely chaotic world. Look at all the laws of nature, all the discoveries in quantum world – we are all vibrating through 10 parallel universes and our development as species or ecosystem or planet is completely accidental.
    Religion tells you a simple story that is easier for the mind, where everything is pretty clear and you can live with it and notice no harm.
    Science tells you, that you are an complete dumb infant compared to abstract “knowledge of everything”, but you can make small steps. You choose which path suits you.
    It’s the same as ancient civilisations – some stayed where they were, some went into the unknown.

  6. I feel that those who believe we came from nothing for no reason and evolution is real have way more faith than I do that YHWH created the universe to his will and his son Yahshua saved us from our sins with his blood.

  7. You left us out. Again.

  8. “I feel that those who believe we came from nothing…”
    Great. Now all you have to do is find people who ignore the actual scientific understanding of our origins and instead claim that “we came from nothing”. (Hint: Those people are as existent as your YHWH, Allah, Zeus, and Ghost of Elvis.)

  9. Amen

  10. Thank you for using the more historically-accurate name. Though our society emphasizes cause and effect, there is no evidence supporting any structured “reason” for being. There is, however, plenty of evidence in human factors that we tend to anthropomorphize the laws of nature, and to project distinctly human archetypes onto the cold and uncaring universe around us.

  11. Once you have accepted that life has no meaning whatsoever you are really able to value life and respect and love other people.
    Religion only brings hate as it implants perverted meanings and values in peoples’ lifes.
    Life is not about being a good person to get into heaven. There is no afterlife. Not for you, not for others. Value your life and that of other as a unique thing in the universe. You came into existence with no meaning. You have to find that meaning yourself. There is no heaven where the good people go. Be a good person to be remembered. You don’t have to be hero, they may not know your name in a thousand years, but they will think “Well, these where magnificent people at that time back. I’d love to meet them.” That could be your bit of immortallity.

  12. You can’t read.

  13. All Hail Wolverine! We shall worship thee now!

  14. Right. A bunch of dust that used to be in a big ball untill the Big Bang (of wich dust was just there for no reason and had no creator and exploded for no reason) happened spread out in the universe and then for no reason at all came back together because it was lonely into little asteroids, plantets, etc clumps of space dust and rocks. Then for no reason sone of these planets were exactly far enough away from at least one crazy planet that the other planets orbited for no reason – it just happened – honest – that gives off mass volumes of energy to support life. Then that same lucky planet got wet somehow, and stuff grew all on its own! And over billions and billions of aeons, for no reason with no instructions or outside coercion, came increasingly more complex forms of life! Wich oddly enough goes against a law of thermodynamics wich states all systems in order decay into disorder unless acted upon by an influence or something but we ignore that because our faith says so. Anyone who believes all that has waaaay more faith than even scientologists. By the way, the big bang is the echo of the voice of the almighty saying “Let there be…”

  15. Try Changing channels on the window. I even tried changing batteries in the remote and getting up to do it by hand, but I get the same picture each night. Lots of tiny lights but not enough pixels to make out the big picture.

  16. If Kim Jong-Un dies in his sleep, he’d be the perfect example of the most exemplar man, from the ramifications of your world view.

  17. “Right. A bunch of dust that … exploded for no reason…”
    Right. Because “we don’t know everything yet” is the same as “it happened for no reason”.
    “… and then for no reason at all came back together…”
    Right. Matters comes together “for no reason” because gravity doesn’t exist. Can you see gravity? No. So it’s a lie! Boom!
    “…Then for no reason sone of these planets were exactly far enough away from at least one crazy planet that the other planets orbited for no reason – it just happened – honest – that gives off mass volumes of energy to support life.”
    Planets do not orbit planets. They orbit stars. But that aside, you’re right: they orbit “for no reason” because – again – gravity doesn’t exist. (It’s a lib’ral lie, I’m tellin’ you!)
    “…for no reason with no instructions or outside coercion, came increasingly more complex forms of life!”
    Right. “No reason.” Because there are no natural processes causing lifeforms to change over successive generations. No way. (And that’s a damn good thing; otherwise we’d have, say, microorganisms developing resistance to antibiotics over successive generations. Man, that’d be a bummer if it were true!)
    “..Wich oddly enough goes against a law of thermodynamics wich states all systems in order decay into disorder unless acted upon by an influence…”
    Right. Because there are no energy sources like stars acting on these systems. Stars do not exist. More socialist lies.
    “By the way, the big bang is the echo of the voice of the almighty saying “Let there be…” ”
    Right. And also a voice saying “Don’t masturbate”, and a voice saying “If a woman defends her husband in a fight by grabbing the man-sack of the other man, you must cut off her hand” (Deut 25:11). Why, there are all kinds of voices! I hear them all day!
    Thanks for helping the sheeple see reality. Keep on preachin’, Chester!

  18. “If a woman defends her husband in a fight by grabbing the man-sack of the other man, you must cut off her hand” (Deut 25:11)
    I think this bible verse is actually a good one to follow.

  19. The picture is, of course, a completely fictional one, but sure, whatever floats your boat.
    I am a professor in a computer science department in the US and I am a Christian. The greatest CS professor geek, Donald Knuth, a professor at Stanford, revered among all computer scientists, is a Christian. The man who wrote Chronicles of Narnia, CS Lewis, was an intellectual giant, professor at both Oxford University and Cambridge University and was, you guessed it, Christian.
    Also… I don’t have a TV.

  20. Atheist Freedom Fighter,
    Can you please give me the details of your reproducible scientific experiment that concluded that there is no afterlife and that we came into existing with no meaning?
    Because, I mean, if you just believe that then this is not all that different from religious claims.

  21. People hing to atheism because they cannot cope with the reality that we are not the center of the world, that man is not the measure of all things, and that we will be held accountable for our actions and for our way of life.
    Atheism tells you a simple story that is easier for the mind, where everything is pretty clear and you can live with it and notice no harm… other than just feeling snobbish and claiming that every religious person is dumb… maybe a bit of prosecution, just to get even… but that’s about it.
    Science doesn’t tell you are that are a complete dumb infant or anything like that. Science is a method through which humans can repeatably and reliably test hypotheses against evidence, in an effort to discover the mechanisms behind the workings of any given phenomenon.
    Why something is, if something is planned or not, and who’s dumb or not, is not science’s call. It never was. You will never find out what is the purpose of life under any microscope. You can claim that if you don’t see it under the microscope it doesn’t exist, but that claim is an unscientific one in the sense that it is not testable. It’s a belief.
    “Atheism turns out to be too simple. If the whole universe has no meaning, we should never have found out that it has no meaning…” C.S. Lewis

  22. Nice try, Deist. But the acceptance of absence of knowlege is not believing. Your believe is just your mind trying to cope with the absence of knowlege which you can’t accept.

  23. Atheist Freedom Fighter,
    You don’t claim acceptance of absence of knowledge. You claim that you are in the know and that God does not exist, there is no afterlife, etc. These are all exclusive knowledge claims (exclusive in that they cannot co-exist with my knowledge claims)
    If you were claiming to be an “Agnostic Freedom Fighter” then maybe I would believe you. But even then, if you would claim that “We cannot know whether God exists” then you would again be claiming access to knowledge and you would be implicitly making absolute truth claims.
    So, I am still waiting for a description of that experiment of yours.

  24. Agnostics are cowards who try keep their foot in heaven’s door. I say there is no proof of god and no related consequences. There are no known facts about a godlike entity of any kind. So he doesn’t exist. Basta.
    Proof his existence and I will chance my view. But please spare us with some religious nutters circular reasoning.
    An agnostic doesn’t accept his absence of knowlege. He’s to afraid to declare his point of view.

  25. Nonsens. Give her an award for creative thinking.

  26. It’s an open secret you have to pretend to be a good christian in a christian society to get a career.
    Or you have to be very, very good at what you do. It’s always a risk to admit being an atheist.
    Christians may not cut off your head these days but they will cut your paycheck.

  27. Or rather it is a sense of how we view reality. Just like your sense is probably tinted to a atheist view.

  28. Surely you’re joking Mr Atheist Freedom Fighter
    In academic circles, people are indoctrinated that believing in God is a sign of credulity. Certain prophets of your religion (think Dawkings) have been yelling very loudly for the last ten-or-so years that one has to choose between science and religion, since the two cannot co-exist.
    This is, of course, wrong since there are tens of thousands of Christian scientists (both in the present as well as in the past). The examples that I brought forward were not to blow my own trumpet. They were just to show that being intelligent and believing in God can happily coexist.
    Lastly, based on your choice of words, I want to tell you that you have either misunderstood Christianity or whoever was responsible of explaining it to you has severely misrepresented it. Christianity is not about being a good person… In fact, it is the opposite. It is to accept that you are a broken person, full of faults (even in your best day), who could never, by his own actions, deserve heaven. Yet for that broken person, THE perfect person willingly chose to sacrifice himself.

  29. Nothing matches the arrogance of an atheist…well I know everything and I’ve decided that there is no God, because it’s easier to ignore the evidence that’s right in front of me that a designer had something to do with the awesomeness of the Universe from the macro to the micro. I’ll ignore the fact that the likelihood (probability, to math guys) of that first single cell developing that first strand of DNA is less than 1 in a number larger than the amount of atoms in the known universe.

  30. Let the weak atheist excuses for logic begin. ‘Didn’t I come to bring you a sense of wonder?’

  31. What’s whinier than an atheist? An atheist, a crossfit fanatic, and a vegan walked into the bar, I know because they announced it within 2 minutes… badum, bum!

  32. Yep. Completely empty, the atheist.

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