#FollowMeTo Couple: Expectations vs. Reality

9 thoughts on “#FollowMeTo Couple: Expectations vs. Reality”

  1. haha, this was actually nice :)

  2. Why the heck is there always water involved in the “expectations” part?

  3. She’s mermaid and gonna drown him.

  4. You prefer sand, Effendi?

  5. Joe Bob says its a Freudian idea of returning to the womb. I swear, I dont know where he gits these crazy ideas. I think he reads too much.

  6. Reality is overrated.

  7. Seven comments and it’s only Bubba and Joe Bob and a few other people? Not even CatMan? I’m starting to think you’re slacking off, EUro and LogiC…

  8. Cats > Slacking

  9. Well nxt time don’t expect anything …..- GOOD …bad things might still happen …ha …ha..

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