Guy Becomes Best Friends With Celebrities by Photoshopping Himself Into Their Pictures

Aspiring actor Lorenz Valentino has created a series of hilarious pictures of himself spending some quality time with various celebrities. Enjoy!

6 thoughts on “Guy Becomes Best Friends With Celebrities by Photoshopping Himself Into Their Pictures”

  1. Too bad that Queen Elizabeth at 90 years old is too old to chop this creep’s head off.

  2. Cats > Crocodiles

  3. Beware! He’s got a plunger!!

  4. CatMan has recently learned what this “>” means … and now it uses it everywhere

  5. Knock knock.
    Who is there?
    Bu who?
    Dont cry, Buhuhu!
    Furthermore : Cats > Buhuhu.

  6. I hope he doesn’t get sued for copyright infringement.

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